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Spring is here

The first day of spring is today, Thursday, March 20.

As we were preparing this paper to be sent to press on Tuesday, a storm including wind and snow was raging outside the IR office door. It was a doozy, a last, blast winter storm before the calendar says it is officially spring. That in no may means it is our last storm before summer, just our last official winter storm.

The scanner traffic included information about vehicle slide offs and news that Highway 20 South was closed through Wind River Canyon due to road conditions and for a semi truck that had spun out.

Around 3 p.m. the sky began to brighten, the snow let up and showed the end of the storm was near.

Storms of life can be similar to those created by Mother Nature. They can rage one day, and subside the next. Storms don’t last forever. Typically, neither does bliss. Life’s ride is about taking the bad with the good and learning to weather the storms and appreciated the good times.

In Hot Springs County, our community members and leaders are struggling to weather some storms. We are all hoping for better days ahead, for ourselves, our fellow community members and our county as a whole.

The semi mentioned earlier, it was out and rolling in about an hour from the original report of it being stuck and blocking traffic.

Storms don’t last forever, bad times don’t last forever and we are hoping our community will be rolling strong in the days ahead.

Check out the forecast for next week. The temperatures are expected to be in the mid to upper 60s just one week from today. Spring has sprung!


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