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Building bridges

The power of unity is a rare prize and can be costly. This unity has various assailants that can thwart its existence. The greatest foe of unity is offense. For the past few years, residents of Thermopolis and Hot Springs County have found themselves divided bitterly over a variety of contested subjects. There have been deaths, lawsuits, and social media has been a vehicle for quite a few beatings on different matters.

Can Thermopolis survive these and enter into prosperity? The old adage, “A house divided will surely fall” is shouting quite loudly in our streets. What is the solution?

Forgiveness. Honor. Humility. Admitting fault and saying sorry. Of course, these are timeless ethics. But it is up to us as both individuals and a community to mend the wounds of division. It is easy to vent and stir up the emotions of others through anger. It is a higher calling to lay down your swords and forgive. This doesn’t mean to forget the offense, but it does mean to build bridges instead of burning them down.

Thermopolis can only truly prosper, financially, relationally, and culturally if we come together as one. You can unite, you can agree to disagree and even ‘meet in the middle’, but taking offense will hinder any and all positive futures we may have.


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