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Town council holds short meeting

At the January 21 Thermopolis Town Council meeting, Mayor Adam Estenson held a public hearing for a variance request for 107 Broadway Street to use an existing foundation and install a modular on top of it. There was discussion about the matter due that the land in the area has not had a final plat with property lines defined and that a survey might be done. The council voted and passed the approval to allow the variance.

Town Attorney Marshall Keller presented an ordinance amending the 24 hour alcoholic beverage application and sales permit, which would allow the town admin to approve the permit without requiring the applicant to appear. There was discussion about the difference between applications that are one-offs versus recurring or annual requests. The council voted and passed the approval of the ordinance amendment in its first reading. After passing at the third reading, the ordinance amendment will be officially updated.

In Codes Administration, Assistant to the Mayor Jim Jeunehomme and counsel returned to discuss the plat question of the variance request that was just approved. During the discussion, Town Attorney Keller advised the Mayor that the property owners involved should correct the property line issues between themselves and not involve the town. 

The council voted and passed the approval to appoint Jim Jeunehomme to a three-year term to the Hot Springs County Rural Water Joint Powers Board. They also voted and passed the approval to appoint Joe Moon to the Big Horn Basin Nature & Discovery Center board. 

During citizen participation, the council voted and passed the approval of two 24-hour alcohol beverage permits. 


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