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Travel and Tourism board still working on director contract

At the January 16 Hot Springs County Travel & Tourism board meeting, Tourism Director Angie Guyon presented the financial report. As of December 31, 2024, the board’s total assets were $228,025.94. This includes $219,990.73 in their Money Market account and $8,035.21 in checking. In the previous year, their total assets were $221,178.84. Regarding their December 21, 2024 lodging taxes, they received $9,997.96. In the previous year, their lodging tax revenue was $5,412.93.

Guyon also explained that for the lodging tax distribution for November, she held onto the live checks until that day because if that check and December’s lodging tax revenue were to be deposits, they would again go over the FDIC limits. At the December meeting, Guyon produced a letter from their bank asking the board to lower their balance because they were over the $250,000 FDIC threshold to insure their accounts. 

The board voted and passed the approval to accept the financial report.

For a guest presentation, Paul Berry of the Nature & Discovery Center was to meet the tourism board but did not attend. However, Guyon explained that Berry wanted to share about a sign for the Nature & Discovery Center and potentially get funding. Guyon added that this type of financial gift was a capital expense that would not be allowed per their policies.

In old business, Guyon’s pending Tourism Director contract was again discussed. Vice Chair Mike Sinclair said, “So, we’re on the homestretch on that, Angie. We’re taking down something. We’d like to set up a meeting with you before the next meeting, for sure. We’re trying to get some schedules lined up. Sometimes it’s a little difficult, but we would definitely like to do that with you.” Guyon replied and gave a schedule of availability. Guyon was originally hired as the new Tourism Director on August 1, 2024 and has not been given a formal contract. 

Regarding the tourism board and the Thermopolis Independent Record’s Hot Springs County Visitor’s Guide, Guyon presented several counts of guides and their prices per issue. The more copies printed, the cost per issue goes down. For 20,000 copies, the cost is .49 cents per guide. For 35,000 it is .43 cents per guide. For 50,000 it is .40 cents per guide. These are base costs and not marked up by the IR.

The board spent some time discussing the various options. Included in their discussion was about shipping costs and distribution costs with Certified Folder. Regarding how distribution costs were calculated, the board would have to choose later what regions and cities to send Visitor Guides to. Then they would be given a quote. After final deliberation, the board voted and passed the approval to order 50,000 copies of visitor guides with $2,000 for shipping and no more than $6,500 for distribution. 

Regarding the tourism board’s photo contest, they received their first submissions for the winter quarter. A local woman submitted a thumb drive with multiple photos of Hot Springs County, Wind River Canyon and Boysen State Park. The board is still receiving submission for photos and there will be prizes in the end. Their deadlines of submission and schedule of awards will be announced in the near future. There is a photo contest for each season.

Guyon presented a proposal from Alisha Schenck of Alisha’s Imaginarium for a part-time media and ad campaign manager. Guyon also presented a revised offer from Jeb Schenck of Schenck Photography to have the board purchase two videos left over from the original work they did with the tourism board and to allow reediting. Guyon explained that Schenck Photography’s fee for the videos would be $13,500. Chairman Will Robinson said that the proposals will be discussed in an executive session. After the executive session, it was reported that the board chose to not move forward with the proposals.

At the time of the meeting, Wyoming Signs was installing the new digital sign south of town.

In new business, the board discussed a special events funding application and documentation. In their paperwork, the board has various guidelines for consideration for funding, requesting and receiving reimbursement of funds to be awarded, criteria for funding consideration and the review process. In the discussion, the board wanted to change language of the guidelines and also have the deadline for the application to be given so that the board has enough time prior to the event and also for the board to meet and decide. The board also discussed having this document of guidelines be a “living document” and reviewed every two years to make changes as they move forward with it.

The next HSC Travel & Tourism board meeting will be held at the Hot Springs State Park Headquarters on February 18 at 1 p.m.


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