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Looking forward to 2025

As we approach the year 2025, let’s look forward to maximizing our community’s potential and putting our unused or under appreciated resources to use to bring greater prosperity to Hot Springs County.

Imagine those who are waiting in the wings, the unseen, who have talents and abilities that go above the status quo. It is up to us to be self aware and recognize where talent and giftings can be put to their full achievement.

There are so many of them that bring much to the table. Diminishing them diminishes the overall possibilities for greater growth. Jealousy, vindictiveness, gossip and offense all bring our community potential to ashes. Courage, support, and love for the better man can make all our boats rise. The future of our county hangs in the balance.

Therefore, let us cast the vision of 2025 to make great decisions and pursue prosperity for Hot Springs County. We can choose to be our own worst enemy or our own greatest ally. As a community, that choice is ours to make. Choose wisely.

Stay safe, and enjoy your holiday season.


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