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Last Saturday at Storyteller, Jessica Lippincott, left, held a signing for her new book "Lori Goes to Dance Class". Cousins Emma Hetzel and Noel Ryan with her mother Kristin Ryan take a look at the colorful illustrations that featured dinosaurs. This children's book was written after a real dinosaur that was discovered in 2001 near Douglas. Nicknamed "Lori", this dinosaur is a small troodontid, that was discovered in the same quarry as "Jimbo" the Supersaurus. Named and described in 2019, this dinosaur's genus species name is Hesperornithodes miessleri, which means Western Bird Form. Lippincott is a paleontologist for the Wyoming Dinosaurium Project and was part of the research team that named and described this new dinosaur. She was previously the Education Director at the Wyoming Dinosaur Center.
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