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Mayne fundraiser

A cookie jar auction fundraiser to benefit Leoria Mayne will be held on Saturday, Nov. 23 beginning at 5:30 p.m. at the Hot Springs County Fair Building. Leoria, Hayden Mayne’s grandmother, is battling cancer and is dealing with medical costs and not being able to work. All proceeds from the auction will go to Leoria to help with her expenses.

A pulled pork dinner will be served, by donation. For more information, to donated a cookie jar or make a monitary donation contact Lily Hayes at 921-9106, Karen Sinclair at 921-1788 or Pat Lesmeister at (302) 333-2728. Items for the auction can be dropped off at the fair building on Nov. 23 starting at 3 p.m.

Giving Tree

The Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce is hosting this year’s Giving Tree. The children benefiting from the Giving Tree and for birth to age 18. Only a parent or guardian can fill out the application. Each child will get two tags that reflect a want and a need. The applications must be turned in by the Monday, Dec. 9. Applications can be found at the Department of Family Services, Storyteller, Public Health or the Chamber of Commerce. 

The Giving Tree is set up at Storyteller. People can come to pick up a ticket and shop for the child in need. December 18 is the deadline to drop off the wrapped presents, along with the name tag. The gifts can be dropped off at either Storyteller or the Chamber.

Salvation Army Kettle Campaign

The Salvation Army Kettle Campaign will begin Nov. 30. Volunteers will be ringing bells for donations every Saturday until Christmas at Mack’s Market and Thermopolis Hardware. All donations remain in Hot Springs County and are disbursed to those in need through the Philips Help Center at 426 Big Horn Ave. 

Volunteers are still needed for bell ringing. If you are interested, please contact Karen via text or call 307-752-0986.

Book signing

Saturday, Nov. 30 from 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Storyteller will host a meet-the-author event for Shop Small Saturday at 524 Broadway St.. Author Maria Kelson, who recently moved to Thermopolis, will be on hand to sign her debut novel, Not the Killing Kind, a mystery/thriller published in September 2024 by Crooked Lane Books and distributed by Penguin Random House.

The novel won the Eleanor Taylor Bland Award for Crime Fiction Writers of Color from Sisters in Crime, and is about how far a mother will go to protect her son. Praised as a “stirring debut novel” loaded with “satisfying twists” by Publisher’s Weekly, the novel will appeal to crime fiction readers who like strong female characters and novels that engage contemporary issues.

Gifts from the Kitchen, boiling water classes

Join the University of Wyoming Extension educator Melissa Cook for the Gifts from the Kitchen classes on December 6 and 13. Learn USDA boiling water canning guidelines while making apple pie filling at the Washakie Extension office in Worland on December 6 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Make raspberry chocolate sundae topping on December 13 at the First Baptist Church in Basin from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Come learn how to preserve delicious holiday foods. The cost is $15 per person per class. Space is limited, so call to reserve your spot today, (307) 568-4160.


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