The Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce is hosting this year’s Giving Tree. Chamber director and CEO Meri Ann Dorman said, “Thanks to our incredible community and donations of time and gifts, we want to be able to help provide a beautiful holiday for anybody who may need extra help.”
The children benefiting from the Giving Tree and for birth to age 18. Only a parent or guardian can fill out the application. Each child will get two tags that reflect their want and need. For example, a child could want a toy and need some clothing.
The applications must be turned in by the Monday, December 9 deadline. Applications can be found at the Department of Family Services, Storyteller, Public Health or the Chamber of Commerce.
They will be setting up the Giving Tree on Friday, November 15 at Storyteller. People can come to pick up a ticket and shop for the child in need. December 18 is the deadline to drop off the presents wrapped along with the name tag. The gifts can be dropped off at either Storyteller or the Chamber. They will then be delivered to the children.
The Giving Tree was previously known as the “Elf Tree” and was hosted before by the Department of Family Services, Safe Haven and Crisis Prevention. Now the Chamber of Commerce is hosting it.
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