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Council passes fluoride ordinance on first reading

At the November 5 Thermopolis Town Council meeting held at Town Hall, Town Attorney Marshall Keller presented an ordinance for revoking fluoride being added to the water system. During the council’s discussion, Mayor Adam Estenson explained how there is naturally occurring fluoride in the surface water coming to the water treatment plant. He also said adding fluoride can cause brittle bones in adults and that in large amounts, it can eat glass. There are benefits to fluoride with children using toothpaste or mouthwash. He added that parents should manage the education of their children’s dental care and that he spoke with local dentists about this ordinance change. The council voted and passed the approval to make the ordinance change in the first reading.

Mayor Estenson memorialized the Honorable Ronald P. Jurovich, who served as the Municipal Judge and passed away on October 25. Mayor Estenson read his obituary and held a moment of silence. Additionally, the mayor said, “I personally found him to be humble, and very personable. He never let me call him judge or Your Honor. He said, that’s for in chambers and unless you’re in court, my name is Ron. So, with his passing, we lose a wealth of legal knowledge, and someone who cared deeply for the law and for justice. We have retired the gavel that was here and his robe. We will be presenting that to his wife, Jocelyn and their family.”

Keller added, “Jurovich was the last licensed attorney to pass the bar without going to law school.”

Mayor Estenson held a public hearing for Thomas and Morgan Layton for a Home Occupation Application for Custom Leather Goods & Saddle Cleaning & Repairs. There were no public comments. Thomas Layton presented some leather items to show his work.

The council and Layton discussed his business and how he has a trailer with a large leather sewing machine and that he operates seasonally with the trailer. Layton also wants to separate his business from private residence. Since his large leather sewing machine cannot be moved from the trailer, Layton might purchase a second smaller sewing machine to use elsewhere. After the discussion, the council voted and passed the approval to grant his home occupation application. 

Chief of Police Pat Cornwell reported that Reagan Severance graduated November 1 from the Wyoming Law Enforcement Academy in the Communications Basic Course.

Town Engineer Anthony Barnett presented a request for the mayor’s signature on the certificate of completion for the recent chip seal project. The council voted and passed the approval to sign.

In administration, Assistant to the Mayor Jim Jeunehomme presented a request for a Health Insurance Renewal to increase a monthly $20 for singles or $40 for families’ employee contribution. The council voted and passed the approval for the increase.

Jeunehomme also updated the council on the damaged flagpole replacement and asked for a motion to move forward with the vendor to do the installation. The flagpole was damaged on September 9 in a wind event.

Mayor Estenson and Jeunehomme held a brief discussion about grants to raise funds and that they will address working with a successful firm from Washington DC in a coming work session. There was no action to be taken at this time. 

Jeunehomme and the council held a discussion about the decorative light poles and working with a vendor on replacing them. This would involve a change in design and that the globes would be glass. Jeunehomme said that there are currently only two decorative light poles left in their current design and that several others have previously been damaged and replaced. The new designs are about the same price as the originals and they have adjustable bars for banners. The cost for the new decorative poles is about $4,200 to $4,500 for 20 posts. Jeunehomme asked the council for a motion to move forward in the future to work with the new vendor. The council voted and passed the approval of the request.

Jeunehomme announced that they installed the new playground equipment at the Glade Edwards Park. The Glade Edwards Foundation gave $20,000 for it and the total cost was $34,900, with the Town paying for the remaining difference.

The council voted and passed the approval to have December 24 designated as a Christmas Holiday.

Mayor Estenson and the council discussed a Policy Builder computer program. Estenson added that he proposes creating an appointed citizen advisory board of five to seven members to help build policies. He wants to create an application process for this.

Mayor Estenson also said, “I want it to be a representation of all demographics of Thermopolis. So we would have a well-rounded group. In that, though, we need to make sure we have people that can help to build that policy up and to make sure that we have good engagement and good conversation. Knowing that we’re moving towards something that then hopefully that board would represent all walks of life in Thermopolis.”


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