At the October Hot Springs County Land Use Planning Commission meeting, County Planner Les Culliton, presented the application of the DeVries Minor Subdivision, owned by Raymond and Cynthia DeVries. The request for approval was for a Preliminary Subdivision Plat, dividing roughly 3-acres of an 8.5-acre parcel into 5 lots and a Land Use Change from agricultural to residential.
The lots would be served by a 60 foot access off of Lane 7. The lots would receive domestic water from South Thermopolis Water & Sewer District. Each lot would have its own on-site septic system. New or connection to an existing system would require permitting by the County and/or The Department of Environmental Quality.
County Planner Les Culliton said in his staff report that he recommends the application.
Chairman of the LUPC Adam Estenston opened the meeting for public comments. No public comments were given. After a brief discussion, the LUPC board voted and passed the approval of the application. It will be forwarded onto the Hot Springs County Commissioners as a do pass. It is scheduled be reviewed by them at their November 19 meeting.
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