At the October 15 Hot Springs County Commissioners board meeting, the commissioners voted and passed the approval of the Revenue and Expenditure Reports for August and September. The amounts for each month were, respectively, $385,405.72 and $316,446.09.
The commissioners also voted and passed the approval of the Feasibility Assessment for the Former Airport Property Request for Proposals and Approval of Contract with Only Co. They are partnering with Ardurra to conduct the Feasibility Study, which is part of the Wyoming Business Council Grant. The agreement is in the amount of $50,000.
Bradyn Harvey and the commissioners discussed some matters related to the HSC Fair Board and how they are operating the use or rentals of the fairgrounds arena. Chairman Tom Ryan replied to Harvey’s concerns and said that the commissioners do not have jurisdiction over the fair board. However, Commissioner Paul Galovich is the point of contact with the fair board and at November 13 meeting he plans to visit with both the fair board and Harvey to continue the conversation and see if there might be a resolution to the concerns.
The commissioners voted and passed the approval of the FYE 6/30/2024 Statement of Receipts & Expenditures. HSC Clerk Becky Kersten said that this was a summary that is done every year and required by statute.
During the discussion, Commissioner Paul Galovich expressed that he believes some in the public do not know how much it costs to run the county. He added that a substantial amount of money comes from the state and federal government to run the county. Galovich added that some in the public want to get rid of state and federal funding.
However, Commissioner Galovich said, “It appears to me that most of our tax income covers the income liabilities with our employees, and that’s about what we generate. And so it’s virtually impossible, at least from my perspective, that if we would take and eliminate all state and federal funding and just operate off of generating tax income and if you wanted to maintain the level of county governments and services, then someone said, we’re going to do it without state resources and federal resources. They need to be looking at substantial tax increases for every system in the county.”
Chairman Tom Ryan responded and said. “But we don’t have any taxing authority.”
Commissioner Galovich agreed with Chairman Ryan and added that some in the public don’t understand “the level of dependence of state resources” they have.
In other business, the commissioners voted and passed the approval of appointing Jess Weber to the Travel & Tourism board; Approval of Memorandum of Understanding Between Community Prevention Program, and Hot Springs County Sheriff’s Office for $4,000, Effective August 1, 2024 through June 30, 2026; Approval of Updated Point of Contact Information Form for the Community Prevention Grant, transitioning from Connie Guntley to Shawn Mohr; Request for Reimbursement No. 1 for $22,000 and Grant Close Out Report for the Airport Rescue Grant.
County Clerk Becky Kersten held a discussion with the commissioners about which Special Districts have failed to report with the Department of Audit. Kersten said the special districts that are in compliance are Hot Springs County Library; Hot Springs County Predator Management District; Hot Springs County Weed & Pest District and Northwest Wyoming Board of Cooperative Educational Services.
However, the following are not in compliance at the time of reporting: Hot Springs County Recreation District; Kirby Ditch Irrigation District; Owl Creek Water District; Lucerne Water & Sewer District and the Town of Kirby.
Kersten also noted about the Cottonwood/Grass Creek Watershed Improvement District that it is dissolved but it needs to complete a report for the fiscal year it dissolved.
The commissioners voted and passed the approval of a Facility Use Form for the annex meeting room for the Water Supply Evaluation Public Meeting on October 29.
The commissioners also briefly discussed the Learning Center (Common Ground) Stakeholders Meeting on October 17.
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