Visitors often say one of the best things about our community is the welcoming, friendly people they find here around town and at our local businesses.
One person recently said about Thermopolis, “The townspeople (Thermopolites?) are nice, helpful, friendly and simply great people.”
That is a wonderful compliment for the residents of our little town.
Recently though, our community members have been struggling to be civil and decent to one another. They may still be being nice and friendly to visitors, but to their own neighbors there has been much hate and disrespect slung around, especially on social media.
Seems as though many have forgotten that there is a way to express your opinion while still respecting others.
Some people feel we all have to agree and their view of things is the only correct view. Frankly, even if that is your opinion, you can still be decent while expressing it.
The guest column to the right of this editorial suggests we think before we speak or react. Read that again, and again, and again.
It also mentions that you can never know when, where, or how but you will receive what you project.
If that is true, some should be very worried.
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