HSC Library October schedule
The Hot Springs County Library will be hosting cribbage games beginning October 28 for ages 14 and up on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month from 4-6 p.m.
Harvest Dinner
The Saint Francis Harvest Dinner has been set for Sunday, Oct. 27 from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. at the Parish Fellowship Hall, John Paul III Center at 808 Araphoe. The menu includes roast beef, turkey and all the trimmings. Tickets are $15 for adults, ages 11-16 $10, ages 6-10 $5 and 5 and under eat for free. Tickets can be purchased from Mary Hart at 921-1296, Connie Hart at 921-1519 or Sandy Bills at (406) 489-2347 or any CCW member. Tickets will also be available at the door.
Wyoming Water Development Commission to hold public meeting
The Wyoming Water Development Commission is evaluating options for providing water to Hot Springs County residents. They will be holding a public meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 29 beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the Hot Springs County Annex, 117 N. 4th St. Plan to attend the meeting to learn about the Hot Springs County Water Supply Level II Study. Updates at the meeting will include information about possible water supply options based on well siting and access. Public input is important to this effort. Comments can be provided at the meeting and/or on the project website: https://hotspringscountywaterstudy.com. For reasonable accommodations to participate in this meeting, contact Jeffrey Rosenlund at (307) 655-7707 or jrosenlund@dowl.com at least two days before the meeting.
Community blood drive
The November Community Blood Drive will be held at the Senior Citizens Center on Mon., Nov. 4 from 2 - 6 p.m. and Tues., Nov. 5 from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. The blood drive is sponsored by the HSC Hospital Auxiliary. The two day drives have been very successful and organizers are thrilled to be able to offer this service to the donors. Walk-ins are always welcome, but appointments are encourages. There are still many open appointments that need to be filled so consider donating either by appointment or walk-in. To make an appointment go to Vitalant.org or contact the Community Blood Coordinator, Melanie Mierzejewski for an appointment at (307) 240-1414. There is always a need for blood and only volunteer donors can fill that need for patients in our community. The next blood drive will be Jan. 6-7, 2025.
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