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With great freedom comes great responsibility

As the mayor of the Town of Thermopolis, I have the privilege of seeing firsthand the power of community and the important role each citizen plays in shaping our local government. One of the most important aspects of our Constitutional Republic is the First Amendment, which guarantees us the freedoms of speech, press, religion, assembly, and the right to petition our government. These freedoms form the bedrock of our nation, and while we are grateful for them, we must also recognize the responsibilities they place on each of us as individuals.

In today’s digital age, social media has become an integral part of our lives. The platforms we use to share news, opinions, and personal updates have revolutionized communication. However, with this newfound access to information comes the challenge of discerning truth from fiction. Never before has the First Amendment faced such a critical test. The same platforms that allow us to exercise our right to free speech can also be conduits for misinformation, sensationalism, and harmful rhetoric.

As individuals, we have the right to express ourselves, but we also have the responsibility to do so thoughtfully and with care. The ability to post or share information online doesn’t absolve us from the duty of ensuring its accuracy. It’s crucial that we take the time to verify the facts before forwarding them or basing our opinions on them. Critical thinking is more important now than ever, and it is up to each one of us to cultivate this skill.

Equally important is the responsibility to engage directly with our local government. The First Amendment guarantees us the right to petition our elected officials, and I encourage everyone to exercise this right regularly. Too often, we rely on social media or mass media to interpret the actions of our government, when in reality, the most direct and effective way to bring about change is through personal communication. Local elected officials, including myself, are here to serve you. We value hearing from residents, whether it’s through face-to-face meetings, letters, emails or phone calls.

In our Constitutional Republic, the individual citizen plays a central role in governance. Our system is designed to be responsive to the needs and concerns of the people, but this only works when citizens are engaged. The First Amendment empowers the individual to have a voice, but we must take the time to use it effectively. If a person sees something in our community that they believe needs addressing, reach out to the local representatives. We may not always agree, but constructive dialogue is the cornerstone of a healthy democracy.

With great freedom comes great responsibility. Let us be mindful of how we use our freedoms, especially in this digital age. Let us commit to being thoughtful citizens who not only speak out but also listen, verify, and engage with our local government. Together, we can ensure that the principles of the First Amendment continue to strengthen our communities and preserve the liberties we hold dear.


Adam R. Estenson,

Mayor-Town of Thermopolis


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