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Local couple attends DNC

Two local Thermopolites were among the thousands of elected officials, delegates and staffers who attended last month's Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Illionos. Kim Bartlett, Hot Springs County Democratic Party Chair and Wyoming National Committeewoman to the Democratic National Committee, attended as a delegate alongside her husband, John Fenton, who attended as a Page.

The Wyoming Democratic Party brought three elected officials, 13 elected delegates, four automatic delegates, three pages, two support staff and a number of guests to the event.

The 2024 Convention was Bartlett's first national meeting, having been elected National Committeewoman in June of this year. "I wasn't sure what to expect. It was amazing."

This was Fenton's first convention as part of Wyoming's delegation, but he had attended the 2016 Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia as part of an organization trying to impact Democratic policy.

The convention kicked off with a delegate welcome party at Chicago's Navy Pier Sunday night, complete with live bands and DJs, speakers and a wide variety of Chicago's culinary offerings. Monday through Thursday were busy days, starting with delegation breakfast meetings, followed by Caucus and Council meetings and trainings throughout the day, and then the Convention each night. Several after parties were also on offer. Bartlett and Fenton also stayed for the Friday DNC General meeting. "It was a fantastic experience," said Fenton.


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