On August 16-18 the Wyoming Christian Motorcyclists Association (CMA) held their state rally in Thermopolis. Curt and Gigi Kiehl, from Cheyenne, are the state coordinators for Wyoming and described their event.
The CMA Rally started Thursday evening at 6:30 p.m. with music in the Hot Springs State Park at the pavilion, however, Friday August 16 at 9 a.m. was the official start of the event.
The Keihl’s said the rally is “their opportunity to get together and just have fun and be with one another and share ideas of how to reach out to the biking community. It’s like getting our family together. CMA is a family…all the chapters in the state get together at one place every year. And this year, we chose Thermopolis.”
Curt added that their roles are to encourage our chapters and to help them where they can and to direct, guide, and encourage.
There are 12 CMA chapters in Wyoming, and the Christian Motorcycle Association was founded in 1975. Next year will be their 50th anniversary. Every state does a state rally.
Curt also said, “What members experience is the ability to get together with other chapters in the state. And we have a youth program also that’s going on. We minister from all the way from three years old to 80 years old. We have a kids’ program for the 3 to 11. We also have a youth program, and that is from 12 to 18.”
The event featured events for kids and adults as well as live music. Some of their members as a group went to Sinks Canyon on Friday.
Curt said, “Our purpose is to go into the highways and byways and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ with the motorcycling world. We are primarily a ministry to motorcyclists, but will minister to anybody we come in contact with.”
On Saturday night, the CMA Rally held their “rubber check relay” at the fairgrounds. Curt said, “That comes from the Old West. It started as the ranchers when they would pay their hired hands, they would give them a check and the first guy to the bank, his check would get cashed where everybody else would bounce the rubber, hence the rubber check relay…We’re using motorcycles, four wheelers and a wheelbarrow.”
Next year the Wyoming CMA State Rally will be in Torrington to celebrate their 50th anniversary. To find out more, visit cmausa.org and select the State of Wyoming.
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