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Travel and Tourism board to select new director

At the July 16 Hot Springs County Travel & Tourism board meeting held at the Quality Inn, Treasurer Audra Domínguez presented the financial report and said that the most recent lodging tax deposit was $16,714.10. The board voted and passed the approval of the financial report.

In old business, Vice Chair Michael Sinclair provided an update as they are currently looking for a new tourism director and the board makeup has changed. The previous tourism director Jackie Dorothy fulfilled her contract recently and chose to not reapply. The board will decide on their new director in the near future. 

Vice Chair Sinclair and the board also discussed Destination Funds and how the state wants the board to “think big” about projects that have not normally been done. The purpose of the funds is to increase the number of visitors to Hot Springs County. The board formed a subcommittee to brainstorm this opportunity. However, during their discussion, they need to confirm that the Destination Funds they are exploring have not already been accounted for regarding the digital sign project, or if this is a new additional opportunity for funds. 

The matter of nominations for the election of officers was brought up. However, it was discovered in the board’s bylaws that the timing of election of new officers occurs in November, but they can appoint if there is a vacancy. 

London Jenks presented an update on his work with the board’s website.  

In new business, the board discussed Wyo Co-Op, which is part of Destination Funds that includes a 50% match. Wyo C-Op is a marketing opportunity that includes a variety of packages, from intermediate features to advanced. The board created a subcommittee to explore this opportunity. 

Chamber of Commerce Director Meri Ann Rush and the board discussed clarifications on their contract. The discussion included which type of year to abide by, the fiscal calendar or from the calendar starting in January as in previous agreements both were used. The matter was cleared up and rectified with the new contract started in the fiscal year. The board voted and passed the approval to the contract.

The board discussed their digital sign project and Vice Chair Sinclair said that he has been in contact with John Harrin, who is the property owner where the sign will be located.

The board also discussed getting insurance quotes for the board itself. In order to get the quotes, they must apply first. After discussion, they agreed to apply to three different agencies and decide. The tourism board is already bonded. Also, they want the insurance coverage to be over position on the board, not a specific person.

The next Travel & Tourism board meeting will be August 20 at 1 p.m. at Pinnacle Bank.


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