At the June 13 Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce board meeting, during old business CEO Meri Ann Dorman reminded attendees the Culpepper & Merriwether Circus will occur on July 7 with performances at 2 and 4:30 p.m.
To clarify, two different companies are bringing a circus to Thermopolis this summer. The one Dorman refers to will be performed in the big tent located near the Hot Springs State Park headquarters. A small story about the circus coming up on June 28 appears to the right in the News briefs.
Dorman reported that also coming up will be the Pageant Day Parade on August 3 with the theme: “Let’s Get Along” and the Demolition Derby will be on August 10.
In new business, the board election results are Jolie Nicodemus, Bradyn Harvey and Falina Hill. There is also one seat still available.
Also, during the meeting they held the election of the Executive Board. Shelly Burrows was reelected as president, Scott Alwin was elected as vice president, Jana Oliver was elected as treasurer and Karissa Nichols was elected as secretary.
Additionally, in separate motions, the board voted and passed the approval of the 2024-2025 Investment Schedule and the 2024-2025 Budget.
Dorman also said that board training will be on September 12. The board also formed a committee to discuss and research the possibility of having a talent show.
Hot Springs County Commissioner Phil Scheel was present and gave a brief update on the commissioners’ activities. Scheel reminded the board that this is an election year. He also said that Les Culliton is the new County Planner replacing retired Bo Bowman, and that Road & Bridge and the Sheriff’s Office are fully staffed, except for one detention staff opening.
Howie Samelson gave the Main Street Thermopolis update and said that they had their Brewfest fundraiser on June 1. The money acquired from the event is used for matching funds for grants such as for the recent commissioning of the mural at the old fire hall.
In the Director’s Report, Dorman said she attended the Wyoming State Chamber of Commerce Spring Conference on April 22-24 and the National Main Street Conference on May 2-9 in Birmingham, Ala., Dorman also discussed the Wyoming Leadership Academy, their grant work, and the A2A Conference with the Wyoming Business Council.
Regarding the A2A Conference, Dorman said that it is to tackle ideas in the community, as they do not have a county strategic plan for pursuing state and federal grants. Their last document was updated in 2010 and they want to update it and bring together their new ideas.
Dorman also said that the lodging tax initiative will be on the ballot in November’s election and that the Travel & Tourism board is not allowed to promote the initiative, but the Chamber can. The lodging tax is not a tax collected from Hot Springs County residents. The revenue from the lodging tax is used by the tourism board for marketing purposes and to gain more tourism in the county.
The next Chamber meeting will be on July 11 at Big Horn Federal.
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