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On May 22 Water Development Project Manager George Moser held the project kickoff and scoping meeting for the WWDC Study - Hot Springs County Supply Evaluation - Level II Study at the Annex building. The event was well attended, with a packed room.
Moser provided a study background, which includes the 2023 planning projects. They were for the Hot Springs Rural Water Joint Powers Board (HSCRWJPB), the Owl Creek Water District, the May WWDC/SWC meeting, and consultant selection for the Omnibus Planning Bill.
Moser described their current WWDC funded study, Level II, which is an evaluation of existing and potential water supplies. Those include multiple options, evaluating potential fundings sources, identifying opportunities and pitfalls, identifying potential services areas and generating hypothetical user fees. Moser emphasized that the Level II study is not about construction or rate increases.
The purpose of the meeting was to provide the background on the current study and outline the project approach. Moser also introduced Jeff Ronsenlund of DOWL and Ben Jordan, a geologist.
As part of their presentation, they discussed how they review existing information, measure population water demand projections, take inventory and evaluate existing water resources. They also discussed water treatment plant options and groundwater supply evaluation.
For the regional supply considerations, they have multiple options, they include sources, treatment, transmission, pumping, distribution, storage and system governance and operation.
Additionally, they will review water rights and ask: Are existing rights sufficient to supply future rural systems? Are additional rights available if they are needed? And if groundwater source is selected and a water treatment plan is not needed, what are options to preserve existing water rights?
Another item they discussed was cost estimates and finances. They asked about the impact to the Town's revenues from removing rural water sales; the costs to replace the water treatment plant for the Town only; the tap fee amount needed per alternative. They also asked what are the HSCRWJPB tap fees with and without the Town? And the Town's tap fees with and with the Joint Powers Board?
These questions lead to the water system financing, where they need to establish a budget of revenue and expenses, debt repayment and reserves, cost per month/EDU, and compare funding sources and applicable grant funding level; and use a financial model so that multiple funding options can be analyzed.
Other items were discussed as well. Moser and his team are asking for the public to contact them and provide input on their Level II study. One part of the information they are seeking to become aware of wells that they don't know about already that might be of interest. If you have information to contribute, contact George Moser, WWDO at 307-777-7626, email or Jeff Rosenlund, DOWL at 307-655-7707, email
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