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GOP quarterly meeting information

by Leyann Gomez

Sharon Hall, Scott Brown, and Raelene Wood along with other folks of Lovell hosted the Wyoming Republican Party’s quarterly meeting at the Community Center.  All of the counties were represented.

Saturday’s session got off to business despite snowy conditions for attendees from Worland and Thermopolis with a tricky drive.

National Committeeman Corey Steinmetz read a polished letter from Senator Barrasso to the gathering. State Committeewoman Carla Klopfenstein from Sheridan read a letter from Congresswoman Harriet Hageman, who had been to the porous Southern Border for meetings and observations.

Next, Sec. of State Chuck Gray spoke via Zoom.  He had arrived back in Wyoming late Friday from Washington D.C.; observing proceedings at SCOTUS.  It was a report on continuing efforts by several states to maintain election integrity and fair treatment.

Wyoming State Treasurer, Curt Meir, gave a broad report on our  state’s investment efforts. The good news is that Wyoming is pushing  back against punitive practices of Black Rock and other ESG companies.

Sec. of Public Instruction, Megan Degenfelder, expressed her continuing efforts on improving transparency for parents in a variety of areas in their schools. It is a process. Her presentation led to sincere discussions from members of the audience and later in the foyer.

Liaison member Marti Halverson indicated there will be Poll Watcher training in June.

On a lighter note, Russell Lewis-Precinct Committeeman from 1-1 Thermopolis, had the highest bid on a 2024 ballcap. Later, Jeff Pomeroy, State Committeeman for Washakie County, had the winning bid for fresh brownies on the “Traveling Plate”. The plate travels to Wyoming GOP events.

Corey Steinmetz announced he will seek another term as Wyoming’s National Committeeman to the RNC.

It was also announced that Harmeet Dhillon, attorney and conservative leader and spokesman, is to speak at Wyoming’s State Republican Convention at Little America in April.

Several resolutions were brought to the floor, to be passed on to the RNC. Washakies’ resolution against obscene and explicit materials in public schools (in conjunction with efforts from Wyoming’s Superintendent of Public Instruction efforts) was passed unanimously.

A resolution opposing the SEC’s efforts to invent a “natural assets” category (air, sunlight, water, etc.) that could be bought, sold, or traded on the NYSE, passed unanimously.

A resolution in support of HB 50, What is a Woman Act, was passed unanimously with some significant additions. This was viewed as a continuing effort to protect women’s sports and other venues.

The body also strongly passed a resolution to prevent the sale of property to foreign entities, and especially near sensitive installations.


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