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Group criticizes HSCSD#1 Board of Trustees

by Lara Love

A controversial cartoon that takes a jab at the Hot Springs County School District Board of Trustees is making the rounds on social media.

The cartoon criticizes the board for “squashing public comment” and accuses that “some parent groups may be banned from having a voice.”

There are numerous comments on the original post that also calls some of the board members out by name. A current school board member even chimes with several comments.

While we don’t typically point out controversies running around on social medial, we found this one to be of interest because of our coverage of the issue and last week’s letter to the editor from a community member who attempted to speak at a recent school board meeting.

What makes the topic of interest to the entire community is that this year four seats on the school board will be up for election. Voters will get their chance to have a say in the direction our school district is taking in the future.

Of even more interest may be seeing who throws their hat in the ring and steps up and runs against the incumbents to serve on the board.

In what has the makings to be a hard fought battle, we hope the race will remain respectful and not get too ugly.


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