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Task force continues progress on shooting complex proposal

At the January Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce board meeting during the Director’s Report, CEO Meri Ann Dorman said regarding the task force for the potential shooting complex they want to emphasize training into the components of the proposal. Dorman will ask the Hot Springs County Commissioners for an official letter of support. Dorman added, “I believe we have a solid proposal,” and that Hot Springs County is “the best place in the state” for the shooting complex. 

In old business, Dorman discussed their city and county maps. 

In new business, Dorman and the board discussed their First Quarter Table Tent as a reminder of what events are going on in the community.

Dorman highlighted the chamber’s After Hours. Specifically on February 15, they will host the Lunch & Learn at Central Bank & Trust to talk about personal budgeting and avoiding scams. Later that night, the Business After Hours will be at the OEB Tap House.

Also, the March 21 Business After Hours will be at the Quality Inn of Thermopolis. 

Dorman also reported on behalf of Main Street Thermopolis that they are still holding their Love Local Campaign. Participants can turn in their receipts for a drawing to win $50 of Chamber Bucks to be spent at a participating business. So far, there are 30 businesses involved in the Love Local Campaign.

Dorman also said they are looking forward to their 10th Annual Brewfest on June 1.

The next Chamber meeting will be on February 8 at Big Horn Federal.


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