The Thermopolis Town Council held a brief meeting on January 2 at the Town Hall. During the approval of the bills, there was a discussion about spending on tires for several vehicles. Council member John Dorman Sr. asked if they could have been purchased locally. In the discussion, it was noted that the tires were more affordable out of town.
Town engineer Anthony Barnett reported that they are renewing the sewer plant discharge permit. The cost is $200 a year. Barnett requested $1,000 for permits for 2024-2029. The council voted and passed the approval of the request.
Mayor Adam Estenson and the town council went into Executive Session, under WY Statute 16-4-405-(a)(vii), but upon reconvening said that they took no action to report on.
Under codes and administration, Assistant to the Mayor Jim Jeunehomme reported that he has done more sessions with TextMyGov where he is learning more about how to use the service. They are getting closer to releasing the service to the town. Additionally, Jeunehomme is still learning how to set up the Owl for live streaming and recording the council meetings. This function will be coming soon.
Jeunehomme also said, “We made an error on one of our ordnance numbers. We had already used 871, and we had put those three out there as 871, 872, and 873. So, 871, that was the water bill. We will move that to 874 so that we have those ordnance numbers and in the right sequence.”
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