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Dear Santa,

Dear Santa,

I would like a dollhouse and a Frozen toy for Christmas.

Merry Christmas.



I would like a tractor please.



I would like a dollhouse please.

Merry Christmas


Dear Saint Nick,

I want a book, pjs, a Spider-man mask, Claws, a Spider-man robot, soccer shoes and socks two pairs, and a Spider-man toy set, drawing pad with a scetch and a watch, a real watch, a robot scopian and a lego set for Christmas.

Happy Christmas.

From Atreyu

Dear Santa,

I would like a pencil, a phone and the letter I

Merry Christmas


Dear Santa,

My name is Noah. I am 7 years old. I have been very nice this year. I have good man rs and help my mom with my baby sisetr. For Christmas, I want a football helment, some football gloves, and football pads, and a fone.

Love, Noah Williams

Dear Santa,

My name is Trehvor Lea. I am six years old. I have been very good this year. I was rille fast at my chors. I was rille nice at my cousins birthday. For Christmas, I want a tv with a romot and a robot.

Love, Trehvor Lea

Dear Santa,

My name is Avery. I am six years old.I have been okay this year. I helpt my mom do longry. For Christmas, I want a big nerf gun and a speaker and a computer. Love,

Avery Ogle

Dear Santa,

My name is Lane. I am seven years old. I have been very good this year. I have been good at school and doo chors. For Christmas, I would like a cash rejistr, miney scqishes, elfs if you mind, and a snowfox and a fare pupee.

Love, Lane Reed

Dear Santa,

My name is Zayden. I am seven years old. I have been very good this year.

I have tact car of my grand parins. I have bin nis to girls.

For Christmas, I would like boes, Mare 0, fotbols, nugget, pillo with blankits, crais mis tree, and stuft anmlse.


Zayden Hurley

Dear Santa,

My name is Maliki. I am seven years old. I have been very good this year. I did chores and help my techr. For Christmas, I want a bujlih apl sadd (billion apples to share with class), a nerf gun, and camos pans.

Love, Maliki Colson

Dear Santa,

My name is Tori. I am six years old. I have been very good this year. I as nice to my parents and my friends. For Christmas, I want a whistle, house blanket, and Stanley.

Love, Tori Dietz

Dear Santa,

My name is Stella. I am six years old. I have been very nice this year. I have been makege my frens few better. For Christmas, I wanta bbar (Barbie car). I would want a freehouse (tree.

Love, Stella Borgen

Dear Santa,

My name is Hudson. I am six years old. I have been very nise this year. I shar with uthers. I do chors and makeing uther people better.

For Christmas, I want a Pecuchoo sqooshmellow. Unuther thing I want for Chrismas is a red wisl. Last a want a red phone.

Love, Hudson Snedigar

Dear Santa,

My name is Anthony. I am six years old. I have been very good this year. I helpt a cindr gordinr. I help my mom do longres. For Christmas, I want to hav red and blue are. I wont a blue arseecar. I wont a two dimeneds and a Xbox.

Love, Anthony Taylor

Dear Santa,

My name is Davis. I am seven years old. I have been good this year. I have red the bibll. I hepll mi Dad. I hepll mi slibeg. For Christmas, I want a sufle is to list is mi Mom. I wut a dimen. I wut a X box.

Love, Davis Luebbe

Dear Santa,

My name is Cooper. I am seven years old. I have been very good this year. I have doen chores. For Christmas, I would like a barbe. I would like a cande jar.

Love, Cooper Enis

Dear Santa,

My name is Eisley. I am six years old. I have been very good this year.

A few things I did that were nice are: When I diden’t want to wach a movie with my sister I still did it. For Christmas, I want a Stanley, a new blanket, a new microphone, new gloves, a new desk, desk chare, something that I can play with my sister.

Love, Eisley Schrawyer

Dear Santa,

My name is Easton. I am seven years old. I have been very good this year.

I helpt a girl. I am being nies. I helpt my mom do longere. For Christmas, I wont a Oak Prescott soot. Can I have a vityo game? Can it be madin 4 and 3? Can I get football pads with kletes?

Love, Easton Ciz

Dear Santa,

My name is Brandon. I am six years old. I have been very nis to people. I take car of people. For Christmas, I wud I camo set and a dadogs spitr (remote control spider to climb up walls).

Love, Brandon Stotts

Dear Santa,

My name is Jordyn. I am six years old. I have been very nise this year. I have helpt Logan with chores. I have to help with patin and rede. I have to help with rigle. For Christmas, I want cridad and drde and woch (toy cry baby and a watch) and Barbie doll.

Love, Jordyn Czarobski

Dear Santa,

My name is Tinzley. I am six years old. I have been very nice this year. I helpt my mom do londrey. I helpt my dad cook dinner. I helpt my baby sister play.

For Christmas, I want a chichin set and I wish I could go with you on your sled to the North Pool. I want a puppe, camera, and taking caktes, and a walking tolkey, microphone, and a real fone.

Love, Tinzley Neeff

Der Santa Clos,

Wut I wont for crismis is a avitar toys and wales.

Frum Zayden Hurley

I am 7

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year. I will keep sleeping every night until you come.

I would like some toys and snow balls.

Thanks you Santa!

Love you, Radlei Coble

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year. Merry Merry Christmas Santa! I would like gabby toys.

Thank you Santa!

I love you, Kimber Coble

Dear Santa,

I would like an art set and a mini Yoda stuffed animal.

From Elton Hurley

I am 5. Merry Christmas!

Dear Santa,

Merry Christmas

I want a 3 foot tall candy cane with a Santa Clause toy

From Archie Hurley

I am 4

Dear Santa,

I wish for crismus is a PS5 and a utando swich and a ex box.

From Brennen

Dear Santa,

I would like a big stuffie and a small stuffie for Christmas. I like to play with cars. I want some more blocks to play with.

Thank you Santa!

Sophie, Age 3

Dear Santa,

I have ben a good girl. for cristmas i would like a watch. I would like a watch for cristmas because I would now the time. thank you.

Sincerely Scarlett

Dear Santa,

I wish for a robot that will do what I say and can turn into aney thing and I will leve a bag of cooces for you to pick up so you can tace it to your elfs.

Love Everly

Dear Santa,

For Chrismas I would like a new snow globe and will you pleas get me a sled. How is Mrs. clas and the rander. And a nutcracr.

Sincerely from Nora Ryan

Dear Santa,

I wish for a toy car because I like toy car and a toy house.

Sincererely, Colin

Dear Santa,

I hope for a party popers a tent with a hamic in it and with christmist lites with a shac wall and my own mine uvin in it and a tv in it and a misic player in it and a eft pet that is a randeer.

Sincerely Roberta

Dear Santa,

I want a happy family I love you please send me a remote control golden lombengnini

Love Sue

I love you

Dear Santa,

I wood love for a fornit nirf gun

From Matt

Dear Santa,

I would like a stufffed bird anda. stocking and a fluffy blanket.

Love Emderly

Dear Santa,

I wot a health strong family I wot a cat and a toy and I wot legos and a playto and a horse book pet toy. I wot a a moving bow and arrow. I wot a horse paint book and roller shates.


Dear Santa,

I want a pack of prime, a nintendo for my dad, mom, Tinzley and Lucy.

And why I want dad to have a nintendo is so he can play fortnite. And for the girls is to play Super Mario Kart. And wish Hadley is healthy little girl.

Love Taysen

Dear Santa,

I wish to see my ant

Love Hoyt

Dear Santa,

I wish for a phone so I can be cool.

Love Andrew Keith Coates

Dear Santa,

I was good this year.

I want a Starwars lego set for Christmas only if you have one in your bag.

Love, Adaline Marie Borgen

Dear Santa,

I want a buckit of a big sukers.

Love Ryker

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year.

Did you get are mesigis from snicerpide doodloose.

Love Josephien

Dear Santa,

I wish for a elf on the shelf.

Love you Santa.


Dear Santa,

I wish for a remocinchro air plan with retract landing ger.

Sincerely Charlie!

Dear Santa,

I wish to get a new ipad please can you get me it becuase mine old ipad is going isickbboded! Soon

From Liam

Dear Santa,

This year I have been trid my best. I would really like 5 nits at frede figyers, legos adn bocoogons.

How is dashr? an how are the elfs?

Ryder Bears

Dear Santa,

This year I have Fried my best. I want really like entido swich with a case, big pokemon cards and a robot chick. How is the elfs?

Love Crimson

Dear Santa,

This year I was good. I would lik a scatbrd. Gabe drem hous and bik. How are you doing?

Love Ida

Dear Santa,

I have beeen good. I would like a jet pak gams and golden pokemon cards. Do you like brares?

Love Ivan

Dear Santa,

I trid my best. I wald really like a pokemon card shelf and plashsfive. Haw is Dashr?

Love Easton Gray

Dear Santa,

This year I have ben good. I would really like a tablit, pokemon cards, a drone with a cace. How are you doing?

Love Elmer

Dear Santa,

This year I tride my best. I would really like herepotr. Anuther thing I wat is a pla stashen five. How is Pashr?

Love Carter

Dear Santa,

This year I have tried my best. I would love vrchuwal actule headset, nintendo and PS5. How are the elfs?

Love Eli Hill

Dear Santa,

this year I have dowing good. I would really a manual type writer. How is all of the ranedir?

Love Leilani

Dear Santa,

I wish for Hazel to have a fun first Chrismus.

Love Olivia

Dear Santa,

This year I was good. I would really like a nintendo swich and a ps5 and a vr hed set and xbox5 pro. How are the elfs and how are you?

Love Kainan

Dear Santa,

I have beeen good mabe. I would relly like a pokemon vr head set, nad mom log. When do your elves leave?


Dear Santa,

this yere I hav bin trien my best. I rile want a pe se. a nutr thing is a pocemon cards. a nutr thing is air soft guns.

How is Blisen?

Love Cash

Dear Santa,

This yer I ben good. I would really like a pokemon, a book for pokemon, a tv a rell tv. How are you

Love Paytin

Dear Santa,

This year I have tried my best. I would really like a pokemon and a doll. and a Batman toy. How is the elfs?

Love Niklaus

Dear Santa,

This year I hav ben good. I would really like a tv and a babe stuffed animal. How is Dashr?

Love Litiane

Dear Santa,

This year I have tried my best. I would like a compass a pokemon and Harry Potter books. How are you?

Love Joesphine

Dear Santa,

Their is just a couple things I want. First I really want heally. They are shoes and they look fun and I also want a three dee pen because I can make art with it and I love art. Now i’ll llist a few thing’s a bed set would be nice and so would some slime and that just a few things.

Sincerely, Micka

Dear Santa,

I want for christmas is a sonic super stars an a cults quest 3. how is the North Pole Santa?

Sincerely, Hunter

Dear Santa,

I have had a wonderful year and I have been kind to my friends. Can I have a Rainbow Power Pinkie Pie for christmas please?

Sincerely, Amelia

Dear Santa,

I want a football cup I like football. Do you like football? I like football. I like doing games. Have you ever dune one. I think football are the best.

Sincerely, Gentry

Dear Santa,

For Christmas is a trading also. Want a side by side electric car kids can drive. How are your elves?

Sincerely, Willow

Dear Santa, in my personol opinien I have been very good this year.

For Christmas i would like two things and tow things only. I would want first like to have a water bottle that i Can put stickers on. Please do not make it too desined so the stickers won’t cover it up. i would also like a spy kit that really works.

Thank you Santa.

Have a good Christmas!

Sincerely, Atley Benefiel

Dear Santa,

my year has been going asowm. I love how my friends have been nice to me and how we can always hangout together and also how we can stay the night. i have been so nice to people and sometimes I can be mean but I am always nice. Sometimes I don’t write about my feelings because I dont want people to judg how I feel. And I have issues trying to make me listen to peapel, The only time I space out is because I am thinking about something new other than what I’m supposed to do.

Sincerely, Natalie

Dear Santa,

I want a T Rex.

Hudson Southworth

Dear Santa,

I would like a dancing pad because mine is wet. I want a new baby doll.

Love, Noelle Ryan

Dear Santa,

I want a toy train and a toy remote control T Rex.

Love, Haywood Southworth

Dear Santa, My name is Brycen and I want a sock of things that keep your rop on your satle horn. I also want a roping dummy that you can pul on a fur wheler. I hope I get a buyer horse set. I also want a mini dirt bick. I want a horse calider for christmas. I also want a corgy for chrisms. I want a higrolic team roping soot so win I want to rope I can. the last thing I want is something that I can prates tie down roping on. Thank you Santa.

Sincerely, Brycen

Dear Santa,

I want for Christmas is a goat cart and dirt bike and a drone what i could fly and i want from you santa is crome booke and is a jet sky for christmas is a chapter booke and i what a king size twix and a bucking bull machines.

Sincerely, Levi

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year. I want a dort bord and a camera so I can do youtub videos. i would also like a baby snake in a cage with food. I also want a few lego star wars sets. hope you have a good Christmas Santa,

Sincerely, Bridger

Dear Santa,

Want an real Elf one the shelf next year, a shark puppet, a lot of 3 mustaes, some led lights, a lot of art supias, and art I pad and love to you! The thing I want themes is the art iPad. Merry Christmas.

Sincerely, Scarlett

Dear Santa,

I want Dolls for christmas. i also want slime, books, a art books, paint and doll food stuff, and New Christmas slippers. merry christmas!

Sincerely, Payton

Dear Santa,

I what a book of football rules. i also what is a book of football plaers.

Sincerely, Halen

Dear Santa,

I want a sheep farm Minecraft lego. I would like Mario Stuff, lego brgaborg robots.

Sincerely, Corbin

Dear Santa,

I want a fishing poll, I want football cards. I hat a Ice fishing rod and a bate caster. I want a pistol. I want a move con pater.

Sincerely, TJ

Dear Santa,

I want a pare of roller skates for christmas. And I also want an elf of the shelf. i think a V.r would be cool. And robot toy would be cool. OMG doll’s would be cool. pj’s are assume. I want a water bottle.

Sincerely, Lindsey

Dear Santa,

I would really like a Vr headset. Raymond really want a elf can he get one? I really want V buy and rob-ux. I would like 100 thousand vbux. Also 1 million roux please santa I really want to get my mom all see wants and also my Dad.

Sincerely, Boden

Dear Santa,

I have been nice this year and I have a list of things to do so here I go. I would like uneven bars, balance beam, a real baby czarist, baby toy, cotten candy, mouse, puppy. And so thats my christmas list. merry Christmas Happy Holidays.

Sincerely, Macie Ciz

Dear Santa,

This year i would like mixie plush with pink eyes. I would also like a dibasic world spins o rouse. I would also like a giant bunny squish mellow. the last thing I would like is another elf on the shelf. i want another elf beacuse im collecting them.

Sincerely, Kellie

Dear Santa,

I want a elf an the if shelf.

Sincerely, Raymond

Dear Santa,

I want famf.

Sincerely, Charleigh

Dear Santa,

I would lik a umircan doll camper. I think my brother chisholm would like a muncher churck.

My brother Bohanin would like sum thing Bluey. My three bruther would like a chooe his name is Tiptin.

My dad would like a tracter. My mom would like a picter of us. I have three bruthers now. I am in third grade.

Sincerely, Meadow

Dear Santa,

My name is Daxton i want a selma plushie and mavis fish hook from moana and a mickey mouse club house playlet.

Love, Daxton

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a mac up set. I luv yoo!

Love, Evelyn Pittsley

Dear Santa,

A share monsr true that swims in word! jiv safely!

Love, Jack Hetzel

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a gume bar! Thac you for presis!

Love, Zailelgh Nielson

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a rome set! I like you Santa!

Love Deakin Weber

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a helucoptr! You work hard!

Love, Chisholm Moline


For Christmas I would like a cowboi truk! I will giv yuf rah caris!

Love Joe Marvel


For Christmas I would like a RC bot! I will lev cooces and milc for you.

Love, Keaton Medina

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a pla do casl set! I like yer beard!

Love, Conley Trisdale

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a pla do set. i will lev mic and coocez!

Love, Zeppelin Bihr

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a PS5 and cuntrolrs! I want you to b saf!

Love, Kirk (DJ) Dingee

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a bus!

Love, Ares Crees

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a yoonucornt mermaid cosdyum. I will lev mic and cocoas.

Love, Ayli Moon

Dear Santa,

For christmas i would like a bike. I like ol the pos you mace.

Love, Aubrey McLean

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like evre Moreo toe.

Love, Skyler Rader

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like shoflac and toys.

Love, Sebastian Cruz

Dear Set,

For Christmas I would like a hufvrbod. th u for this christmas.

Love, Hadley Dean

Dear Santu,

For Christmas I would like lago set. Th for the christmas.

Love, Erik Polson

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a lagos set. Thx for ol the christmes.

Love, James Cordingly

Dear Sant,

For Christmas I would like a lechic dirt bic. Isone rider name Rodof?

Love, Rownan Johnson

Dear CTY,

For christmas i would like a alert drt bic. I am cool.

Love Dawson Cornwell

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a elethic big. u r asum.

Love, Parker Collamer

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a rel trezr chest. I like yow evs.

Love, Lucas Jones

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a fn. Can i sig a song?

Love, Jayden Wurtz

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a tuk! R u kool?

Love, Xzandar Goodman

Dear Santa,

For christmas I would like a yo-yo. how too you get down the chimney.

Love, Emerson Strenger

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like mocinrl tuck buge! thank I of mi preset!

Love Trenton Postma

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a yo-yo and slim. I love you. How do you get see your theslilm.

Love, Brooke Taber-Jerke

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like the pout relook out tw rlttow bosnl.

Love, Akelah Retana

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a freer lego and a chola pilo that trns in to a blakit. lachbox.

Love, Ava Whitt

Dear Santa,

For Christmas i would like a nintndo seiche sclcr. How fast of yor render fli?

Love, Nash Taylor

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like pestifiv. mareo. go crt.

Love, Greyson Hill

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a godsped and I wott a po putrl tar please atrley puppet pease.

Love, Elizik Ruchupanai

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a new dodo game.

how do you get in the chimney?

Love, Messiah Holmes

Dear Siftoto,

For Christmas I would like a tv and RSM2.

Love, Ashton Reed

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a robot sharc. Thqk you for the presents.

Love, Rowley

Dear Santa,

Santa is nice. He gives us gifts and toys. He gives us candy. i would like a Barbie toy. how is Rudolph.

Love, Adi

Dear Santa,

how have you den ar yor range magick wut i wunt for crismes vr headset and how tv a plash steshe five and a ntendo and a set up.

Love, Jake

Dear Santa,

Hor are you doing hor is mesese clos. Hor old is Rodof. I wont to see you. Am I on then is list. Tell my elf he is the best I wont the dog reseeeu center lago set.

Love, Parker

Dear Santa Clouse, r the reve res and I retede mad a pole of you. Am I on the nic list this year.I word lik a oaten .

Love, Mara

Dear Santa,

I woant a live Buny and food for the Buny. A big Bukit of vocoyonse. A satl and rans and halter and horse bank it. Toys horse.

Love, Eleanor

Dear Santa Clowse.

Is roudof real and the other randear real. is ever randeer real. has is missies clos and santa. Do you bring presents like my glogerrbowl and my seoodr and my a fave scootr and my bike and football glovs.


Dear Santa,

How old are the rander? How old are you? What i want for christmas is a real carey okey macheen.

Love, Bailey

Dear Santa,

I’s the north pool cold? I’s Rudolph rill? how old is rudolph? how old is Mrs. Clos? how old are you? whats is your averett holidy?



Dear Santa,

how is it in the north pole. I realy want to see the randeer. am I on the nice list for the noddy list. I realy want a Scooter but with 2 wheels. how old are you, and I want a huver bord.

Love, Hazel

Dear Santa,

I wut a magic nixies. hawe are the randes. I put a toy hose is roodoff good. i wut a live bunny do you like cookes. I wunt a bunuy cage. hawe old are you. I wut a toy bird.

Love, Hazel P

Dear Santa,

am I on the nice list or the nody list. I wish for pjs and a phlip phone.

I love you santa.

Love, Trapper

Dear Santa,

is the noarth por fan. and are the elves working hard and are you under a sheeld.


Dear Santa,

I wis for a mood ring and also i wont a spider spy and a amugus popit.

Love Hayden S

Dear Santa,

Is roldolph real? how old are you? what is your wifes real name? can i please get a bucket hat.

Love, NIxon

Dear Santa, can I pleas hav a big herses bar. and how old are you? are ther diffrint elfs? do you eat snow for dinner? and I want a lot of toys and a kuddly stuffy.

Love Aydree

Dear Santa,

Is Rudolph real. How old are you. For Christmas can I have a dirt bike and also a ps5. do the girl elf have baby elfs.

Love, Nash

Dear Santa,

I’s like a nrf gun, and a elf on the shelf and a grinch song. and a endendo and a bebe gun and it to snow.

Love, Kyson

Dear Santa,

Can I have tow pars of foot ball gluvs. If this is ok can I have a atendo. how do raider fly. dos roodulf achle have a shiny noas? how old is roodof.

Love, Kota

Dear Santa,

How old are you? is rudolph real?

How old are You?

How old is roudalph?

How old are the reindeer?

I would like a sponge bob bean bag, some heleas, a nintendo switch, and a over sized sweter, and a v neck sweter.

Love, Ryder

Dear Santa,

I love you for this holuday and I rille want a gaming setup but i mit not git it this year.

Thank you, Asher

Dear Santa,

I would like scissors, I would also like play doh. Please bring me a cat.

Love, Apollo

Dear Santa,

I have been really good.

Can you please bring me a drone for christmas?

From, Kevin

Dear Santa,

I love you how are you doing Santa.

From torin. done.

Dear Santa,

How have you been? Can I plese have a vr hedset?

From Diamora

Dear Santa,

how are you? Plez can I have a fbebe? And a grichstuste.

From, Cora

Dear Santa,

I have bin good could you please bring the Quest 3?

From, Helix

Dear Santa,

are you good I am good. I wood like a nittendo swich for chrismis.

From, Odin

Dear Santa,

How iz rldof the red nose reindeer? can i have a drinsrco.

Frum, Tristan

Dear Santa,

hail hall has our elves ben and hall have you ben santa?

can i pleas have a ver headset?

From, Connor

Dear Sannta,

this is how hawe I been really good. Could you please bring a furbe?

From, Carson

Dear Santa,

how have rudolph been? I have been good. can you bring me a mario deluxo moterisd go cart?

From, Austen

Dear Santa,

I love you. how have you been. i have been good. Could you pleas being me a xBox set and some guns.

From LU

Dear Santa,

how has it been? Can I have a lot of Barbie exesorese and a big Barbie?

From, Laina

Dear Santa,

how id Rodof? I ont a vr hedset plese?

From, Elias

Dear Santa,

how is roof the red noz radar? Can i have for crismis is a ulexu.

From, Korbie

Dear Sata,

how hav redof the red nos der ben? can I hav a toy car ples and a toy truc ples.


Dear Santa,

Pleas can I have a Hoverboard.

From Lily

Dear Santa,

I love you Sant.

I have been good this your ples can i have a doll haws with a Anna and Elsa doll with a big Bell doll.

Frome, Peytn

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year. I want an orange fishy and a snow plow and nothing else.

From Charlie D., age 3

Dere Mr. C,

I whud like a toe truk and my Dad whud lik a truk he has bin diing fore whun me and mom hav bin sick of it!

Love, Russell, age 7


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