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High school basketball season gets underway

The Hot Springs County High School Boys and Girls Basketball Teams commenced their 2023-2024 season last week, appearing in the Burns Winter Classic Invitational Tournament. Both teams traveled to Burns for games on Friday, and then to Wheatland for games on Saturday.


The Boys Varsity Team went three for three, taking games against Morecroft (80 -30) and Southeast (72-42) on Friday, and finishing the tournament with a win on Saturday in Wheatland (59 -45). Morecroft went 0-4 on the weekend, Southeast went 2-2, and Wheatland finished the tournament at 3-1.

Coach Shane Corpening commented, “We got good contributions from every member of the team, which is a very much appreciated luxury. While some things need to be cleaned up, the team played very well, at one point being up some thirty points against Southeast, and taking a win from a very good team in Wheatland. The first time we’ve managed to win against that team on their home court.”

He added, “We were able to utilize all ten players in different ways. From a scoring standpoint Brody Potter and Cody Bomengen led the way. Both of them are long and versatile players. They can beat you from both the inside, and the outside. I thought they played really well on the offensive end throughout the entire weekend.”

“Armani Dukes was an absolute monster on the glass. He picked up a lot of extra shots for himself, and the team. He’s very tough in the paint, and a great hustler, as well. Older brother, Del Dukes, did some really nice things this weekend. He’s a menace on the defensive end. He has really quick hands, and can score points in bunches,” said coach Corpening.

“I was impressed with Zak Hastie’s effort on the defensive end. He really picked it up in the Wheatland game. He also shot the ball well on the offensive end, and did a great job of distributing to his teammates. From a shooting standpoint, Andrue Howell was very impressive. He was 7 for 13 from beyond the arc, and that’s just outstanding,” he added.

Coach continued by saying, “I’m feeling very positive about our chances this year, and as we continue to work, and to improve, I can see the team being very competitive throughout the season.”

The Boys Varsity and JV teams next take on two home games against Glenrock this Friday and Buffalo on Saturday. The freshman team will see its first competition of the season in Lovell on Friday and Saturday.

“Those upcoming games will be a good test of our preparation and performance, as we expect to see tough competition next weekend in Thermopolis,” said coach Corpening.

Lady Bobcats

As for the Lady Cats, they went 1 and 2 for the tournament, beating Morecroft on Friday (48-26), and then later in the day, losing a very tight game to Southeast (34 -32). The Ladies finished the weekend in Wheatland, with a loss of 65-35.

Morecroft finished the weekend at 0 and 4, while Southeast finished 3-1 and Wheatland ended the tournament at 3-1.

Coach Tyler Weinberger said, “Over-all, we were pretty successful. Of course, we would have liked to finish 2 and 1 for the weekend, however, finishing just two points off of that mark, in a game that came down to the final buzzer, shows we can compete in this league, and I’m optimistic about how the season will progress.”

“We executed well, but need to get better. Playing against a very tough team in Wheatland will expose whatever weaknesses you may have, and while we would have preferred to play more competitively in that game, we will learn from it, and the loss with make us a better team in the end,” said coach Weinberger.

“I was really proud of the team, they all showed poise in both winning, and in defeat. Several players really stepped up on defense, including Senior, Dazlynn Hunt, Sophomore, Jayssie Owsley and Sophomore, Kamryn Farrell – all while averaging 10 points per game on offense. I couldn’t ask for a better group of Freshman players, said coach Weinberger”

The Lady Cats will next play at home to face Glenrock this Friday and Buffalo on Saturday. Coach Weinberger said, “I expect we can execute against Glenrock, and we should show well there. As for Buffalo, they are a really good team, who played in the state championship game last year. They will be a good test for our skills.”

A mix of sophomore and freshman players will travel to Cody to compete on Thursday of this week.


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