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TMS cross country season wraps up, high school headed to conference

The Bobcat Cross County teams traveled to Powell last week to compete against seven other teams including Worland, Cody, Lander, Riverton, Burlington, Wyoming Indian and Lovell.

High school results include:

Varsity girls - Sadie Martinez, 23:12.22; Jayda Griffin, 23:33.71;

JV Girls - Ava Dafoe, 25:55.87

Varsity Boys - Jadeth Elder, 17:47.12; Cole Keller, 18:14.54; Teancum Gevas, 19:14.54; Jesse Rodriguez, 19:23.94; Seth Needham, 19:30.82

The varsity boys team came in 6th.

Middle School

The Thermoplis Middle School team wrapped up their season in Powell with their Conference.

Ammon Gevas came in 2nd for the boys and Trevin Shaffer was 9th.

Girls - Hailey Robinson, 15:00.90; Emma Dean, 15:05.11; Creighlee Willaims, 15:06.33; Silvanna DeVries, 16:11.50; Ruth Needham, 16:35.77; Kylie Geis, 17:40.45; Jadriene Jeffs, 17:55.95; Aliyah Deere, 21:13.14; Kimber Jeffs, 26:16.09

Boys - Ammon Gevas, 2nd, 11:41.22; Trevin Shaffer, 9th, 12:35.88; Lane Jennings,13:18.65; Clayton Keller, 13:46.77; Tanner Myers, 13:55.69; Christian Eplin, 14:23.88; Orion Jenks, 14:24.15; Cameron Martinez, 14:39.80; Apollo Jenks, 14:45.77; Allen Thurman, 15:18.61; Garret White, 15:33.23; Joel Skelton, 16:38.15; Braxton Egger, 17:23.54; Aiden Cleare, 18:09.68; Brayden Jones, 18:13.30; Aiden Borgen, 20:34.87

The high school team will travel to Wyoming Indian in Ethete this Thursday to compete in the Five Rivers Conference Meet.


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