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Travel and Tourism board discuss digital sign

At the September Hot Springs County Travel & Tourism board meeting, Treasurer Audra Dominguez gave the financial report and said they collected approximately $37,638.88 in lodging tax revenue. This amount is 11% over that last year in the same month. The average is $18,426.35, making this latest amount almost double and a record-breaking month. The board voted and passed the approval of the financial report.

Dorothy presented her director’s report and also discussed that they performed their self-audit, with two local citizens reviewing their finances. According to the self-audit report, there were no issues flagged, and all transactions matched.

In old business, they discussed their digital signage project, and they needed to finalize their memorandum of understanding with the Hot Springs State Park. It was noted that this would be easier and quicker to implement versus doing a lease agreement.

In new business, the board discussed that they submitted their budget to the Wyoming State Auditors.

During an open discussion, board member Dr. William Robinson proposed an idea to commission a sculpture that might be in the design of a buffalo. This could be an attraction for tourists to take photographs and post online to potentially bring greater exposure to the county. During the discussion, some board members said that a bronze sculpture might be too expensive but a molded fiberglass sculpture might be affordable.


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