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Couple organizes Coats-4-kids program

Glenn Dunbach, a retired science teacher of 41 years, is collaborating with the community to raise funds to donate new coats to students in need. Dunbach and his wife Krista moved to Thermopolis in 2021 and they were looking for ways to help the community.

Prior to their time in Thermopolis, the Dunbach's would adopt a student every year to try to help them out, and they wanted to continue their tradition of contribution. 

Dunbach said, "My primary motivation has been that I've always been interested in helping kids out in particular. That's why I became a teacher...I'm hoping to make a positive contribution to the community."

In the Fall of 2021, Dunbach approached Brenna Huckfeldt, district nurse for the Hot Springs School District to see if there was a need for warm clothing: coats, hats, gloves, etc. Dunbach and his wife wished to continue a tradition they both had as teachers, providing coats for one of the students. Huckfeldt returned with a list of 15, later amended to 16, of students in need of warm clothing for the coming winter. This was beyond what they had planned in their charitable giving. Dunbach approached their church to see if this was something they would like to support through donations of coats, hats, and gloves. With the support of their church family and community helpers, they were able to supply 16 coats with hats and gloves to children, mostly in elementary school.

Regarding the response to the Coats-4-Kids efforts, Dunbach said, "The kids are thrilled to get the coats and the parents are happy to get some help and get coats because they're not going cheap...It has gotten more expensive and the numbers of requests have gone up and prices have gone up and wages really haven't improved that much and there's a lot of pressure on family budgets."

Dunbach added, "I just want to emphasize that it's not just me at this point. This is a community project." They have assistance from both the Episcopal Church and the Community Federated Church, the Masons, and others who sponsor them.

Prior to the school year 2022-23, Dunbach again approached Huckfeldt to see if we could help again. This time, the request came in for 36 coats. Dunbach asked not only the Community Federated congregation but also the Episcopal churches, the Masonic Lodge, and others in the community if they could help. It turns out they did in a substantial way. Through the many generous donations from people throughout the community, they were able to meet the request from all three schools in town, which more than doubled the previous year's total provision.

But that was not all. They raised enough money to purchase and place into the schools 40 coats for the year 2023-24. Very generous donations were made by many people and organizations including the Episcopal Church of Thermopolis and the local Masons. In addition, Pastor Ron Phillips, who along with his wife, runs the Help Center in town, offered the use of office space in the new help center across from the elementary school.

This school year, they have a balance of $478.82 in their account. They'd like to use this money for warm clothing (coats, hats, gloves) for any additional coats needed this year and the school year 2023-24. They have already received donations of a folding table, chairs, 60 beanie caps for this coming year, and shelves (for inventory) at their office at the Help Center. They have also received two large bins. They'd like to purchase 10 additional large bins to hold and organize coats and two smaller bins to store hats and gloves. They were also made aware of the need for underwear as accidents occasionally occur and the cost of helping replace them usually comes out of the pockets of teachers and other school personnel.

As the year goes on, they will again purchase more coats to place in the schools for the 2024-25 school year. They anticipate being able to continue providing between 30 and 40 students for the three schools in town for this and next year.

The program is made possible through the volunteer efforts of very generous individuals. They do not use any monies received for administrative costs, transportation, overhead costs or processing and paperwork. Except for the storage bins this year, all the donations received will go to provide clothing to students in the local schools.

The Community Federated Church, Episcopal Church, Masons, and everyone involved helped make the community outreach ministry possible. The Community Federated Church, through its sponsorship of this program, has had a positive impact on the community they serve.

The recipients, whose identity is protected under confidentiality laws, have nonetheless expressed their gratitude through Brenna Huckfeldt. The school district has also been very happy to partner with them to make this program a success.

If you wish to support Coats-4-Kids, donations may be dropped off or mailed to Community Federated Church, 244 North 6th Street/P.O. Box 826, or at the Help Center, 426 Big Horn Street. Make checks payable to "CFC" or write "Coats-4-Kids" on the memo line. Place cash donations in an envelope labeled "Coats-4-Kids" to ensure that your donation is processed correctly.


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