At the August 15 Thermopolis Town Council meeting, Brad Becerra presented a proposal for an RC Track to potentially be located near Warren Street and 10th and 11th Street in the open space there, which is Town property. Becerra requested permission to create a 40-foot by 80-foot area with two tracks that would include jumps and flat areas. The users would operate the track at normal times, similar to Candy Jack Park’s times. Becerra said that they would need nothing from the town.
During discussion, the council asked questions about if there are concerns about noise; the neighbors having issues, or if gas-powered engines would be used. Becerra said he has “not yet,” asked the neighbors, but added there has “not really been a complaint” from other neighbors when he has operated his RC cars previously.
Mayor Adam Estenson expressed his concerns about the matter of liability for the use of such an RC track and tasked Town Attorney Marshal Keller to investigate it. No action was taken on the topic.
Town Attorney Marshall Keller presented a newly updated tobacco ordinance for the Town’s approval. This new language would match the State’s current language.
The ordinance says “An Ordinance Approving Changing the Definition of Tobacco in Article XI Section 11-1101(a). Whereas, the original Town Code Section 11-1101(a) requires tobacco leaf to be in the product, Whereas, many modern nicotine products do not contain tobacco leaves yet are designed to provide nicotine like tobacco leaf, and Whereas, the State of Wyoming changed the definition of Tobacco in the State Statutes.
Now therefore, be it ordained by the governing body of the Town Of Thermopolis the governing body hereby ordains the definition of tobacco to read as follows: “Tobacco Products” means any substance containing nicotine, including, but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, snuff, chewing tobacco, dipping tobacco, electronic cigarettes, vaping products, and any other nicotine product regulated by the United States Food and Drug Administration.”
The council voted and passed the approval of the ordinance in its first of three readings.
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