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Commissioners award bid for plumbing project

At their second July meeting, the Hot Springs County Commissioners heard from Les Culliton who presented two bids for the Law Enforcement Center plumbing project. One was from Rawhide Mechanical Plumbing in Cody for a total of $330,124. The other was from GW Mechanical from Mills for $284,100.

According to the bid documentation, the project involves work for a base bid intake shower room and plumbing in the ceiling. The bids include an additional allowance of $10,000 in the base bid and $20,000 in the alternative bid. Any leftover funds from the allowance will be reflected as a credit on the final invoice. Due to the nature and location of the project, the allowance is to cover any change orders that need an immediate decision to keep minimal disruption to the day-to-day operations of the LEC activities. The substantial completion goal is Monday, November 30.

Commissioner Phil Scheel made a motion to award the bid to Rawhide Mechanical Plumbing. Commissioner Paul Galovich seconded the motion. During the discussion, Commissioner Scheel explained his reason to choose Rawhide because of their previous work in the hospital. Scheel added, “They have been a great contributor specifically to our community.” The commissioners voted and passed the approval to award the bid to Rawhide Mechanical Plumbing.

Culliton and the commissioners held a discussion about the arena grand stand rails for the fairgrounds. Culliton expressed two main concerns. One was about which way they should fasten the railing to the existing grandstand. The second was about the possible 19-inch space between the seats and the railing that would create when installed. The overall reaction of the commissioners expressed concern about the space issues and that it might make circumstances more unsafe rather than safe. Chairman Tom Ryan asked Culliton “Is this doable?” and later asked, “Do we want to do it at all?” Commissioner Scheel said they were, “Not inclined to approve this right now.” After more discussion, they agreed to visit the fairgrounds grandstand on August 1 after lunch to examine the space in person.

The commissioners voted and passed the approval of the Special Bill AP Warrant Register for $290.49.

County Planner Bo Bowman and Road & Bridge Director Shane Rankin held a discussion about the Kirby #2 Gravel Pit with the commissioners.

Bowman said their lease had expired, and they submitted an application for renewal. This resulted in the BLM informing them that they need an easement on the road to Black Mountain Road. Part of the easement agreement would involve the county to maintain the road. Rankin said that they have no problem with blading it once a year but they are not willing to split the road maintenance 50/50% since the oil company mainly uses it and the county rarely does.

The main question Bowman and Rankin brought up was, do they still need the gravel pit? They are not certain if the material in the earth contains enough gravel that would assist in the Black Mountain Road project. Therefore, they plan on digging some core test holes with an excavator and see if the material below actually has the gravel they need or if it is just clay. 

Shane Rankin also presented two approach agreements for the Red Rim Ranch area for Kirk Waggener and William Bruce, both on County Road #35. All expenses have been paid. Using separate motions, the commissioners voted and passed the approval of both agreements.

Chip Axtel and Weed & Pest Supervisor Terry Scholz Jr. presented a request to change the boundaries of the regions for potential Weed & Pest board members due to their residential locations. Axtel explained that they have faced difficulty filling the board and that those who are interested do not live within certain regions, hence the request. Chairman Tom Ryan asked that County Attorney Jill Logan look into the matter and report back at their August 1 meeting. Tricia McPhie of Public Health presented their End of Year Fiscal Year 2023 financial summary. For flu shots, the total was $27,207.12. For Covid, the total was $24,831.45. For pneumonia, the total was $15,195.36. There were other amounts given as well, but the Total Income was $113,267.96. 

McPhie also provided some statistics. There were 268 children’s immunizations; 1,503 adult immunizations; three child special health clients; 129 long-term cares; and 240 chronic disease clinic visits. McPhie noted that these numbers were shots, not individuals.

In other business, the commissioners voted and passed the approval of the County Annex use applications for both the Republican Party and the HSC Rural Water Joint Powers Board (HSCRWJPB). The Republican party will meet monthly every third Monday. The HSCRWJPB will meet every third Thursday.


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