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Area STIP meetings planned for July, August

Upcoming public meetings to address northwest Wyoming highway projects

A series of annual public meetings is scheduled in July and August to address future highway and bridge improvement projects in northwest Wyoming.

The State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) process involves annual meetings with public officials and citizens who play key transportation partnership roles in Wyoming, said Wyoming Department of Transportation District Engineer Pete Hallsten, P.E., of Basin.

“The STIP is a 6-year program approved by the Wyoming Transportation Commission. It provides a snapshot of existing and expected projects and their schedules, and it is continually updated,” Hallsten said.

The STIP is a prioritized construction plan for the 1,326 miles of highway in northwest Wyoming, also known as WYDOT District 5. 

Information about the STIP process is available at 

Public involvement is a crucial component of WYDOT’s mission to provide a safe, high-quality and efficient transportation system.

WYDOT has public meetings in July and August, as part of regular county commission meetings, to receive input and answer questions from citizens and local government officials:

•10 a.m., Tuesday, July 18 -- Big Horn County -- Big Horn County Courthouse, County Commission Chambers, 420 C Street, Basin

•2 p.m., Tuesday, July 18 -- Park County -- Park County Courthouse, County Commission Chambers, 1002 Sheridan Avenue, Cody

•11 a.m., Tuesday, August 8 -- Fremont County -- Fremont County Courthouse, County Commission Chambers, 450 North 2nd Street, Lander 

•11 a.m., Tuesday, August 15 -- Washakie County -- Washakie County Courthouse, County Commission Chambers, 1001 Big Horn Ave., Worland

•3 p.m., Tuesday, August 15 -- Hot Springs County -- Hot Springs County Government Annex Building, County Commission Chambers, 117 North 4th Street, Thermopolis


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