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Defending Owl Creek Water District's position

We’d like to respond to and expound upon the article about the HSCRWJPB meeting on April 20th to clarify Owl Creek Water District’s (OCWD) position and provide some important information. We are also concerned that some of the language used, without providing this information, could make one think that OCWD’s level 2 study is a “bad thing” in conflict with the JPB’s effort to apply for the Lysite Wells. For example, the word “sabotage” used in the article could convey a negative perception. We can assure you that Owl Creek is not trying to sabotage the Lysite well study but has different and more immediate needs than the other districts in the JPB. Also, when using the term “fiducial duty” in quotes while providing none of OCWD’s reasons for applying for the Yankee Dome study could be perceived as an unimportant motive. Every board is responsible to their own people first and foremost.

The reasons OCWD applied for the Yankee Dome study are as follows:

We continue to deal with water quality issues primarily associated with surface water aging, worsened by our system’s length and limited number of users and inconsistent chlorine levels provided by the town. All past studies indicate that the best way to solve these quality problems is with a ground water source.

All the previous Level II studies done relating to ground water sources for the Hot Springs County area of the Bighorn basin state that multiple high-volume wells (3 – 5) and multiple areas are needed to meet the region’s needs and provide a reasonable quantity for back-up and for growth. None of the recommended well sites are “sure things”, and it is very likely that more test wells will need to be drilled than production wells that are required.

The Yankee Dome proposed well site is only 3000 feet away from OCWD’s distribution system. If it proves to be viable in quality and quantity, compared to all the other sites proposed in past studies, it could provide ground water to OCWD, and South Thermopolis and a limited back-up to Town for a relatively low cost as all these systems are already interconnected, leading to the beginning of regionalization for groundwater sourcing.

There is a backlog of nearly six months to two years to get drillers to do test wells and it will likely be at least 6 to 8 years before the benefits of the Lysites or all other proposed regional wells other than Yankee Dome or Buffalo Creek can help solve OCWD’s water quality issues.

To fulfill our “fiduciary duty” to supply good quality drinking water at the lowest price possible to our customers, we cannot simply sit back waiting for 6-8 years doing nothing else.

We appreciate this opportunity to clarify our situation and that we are here to help the entire region. We have our own unique problems, and in solving them, we can help others in our region at the same time.

Tony and Rose Basko


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