Citizens in Thermopolis and Hot Springs county are not used to hearing or reading about shootings in our community and we find it shocking and scary when we do.
Adding the words officer-involved shooting makes it even more shocking.
As events unfolded last Friday, many community members were feeling just as we all at the IR were, a sense of disbelief that this could be happening here.
As reality then set in for us all, concern for Thermopolis Police Sgt. Mike Mascorro, and all others involved, quickly became of the utmost importance for most of us.
Rumors started running rampant, as to be expected, but there were also bits of truth mixed in.
What mattered most to many in the community when they first heard of the shooting was if there was any threat to public safety.
That quickly went to questions of which officer was involved. Once that was known, questions and concerns for his condition and then asking how they could help out.
We want to thank every single first responder who helped in any way, you make us proud and we are thankful you help keep us safe.
To Sgt. Mascorro, we offer our thanks and our wishes for quick healing. We hope you and your family can return to our community and our daily lives soon.
To members of the community, thank you all for stepping up, just as you have so many times in the past.
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