The Wyoming Weed and Pest Council (WWPC) is proud to announce Lindsey Woodward as the new Weed and Pest Program Coordinator for the Wyoming Department of Agriculture.
In this position, Woodward will represent the WY Dept. of Agriculture in coordinating WWPC’s activities and assisting individual districts in the development of management programs. She will also organize federal, state grant programs, and assist districts in managing noxious weeds and pests.
Woodward brings a wealth of knowledge from the weed and pest field. Before she was hired, she served as the District Supervisor of Hot Springs County Weed and Pest. There she oversaw substantial programs for invasive weed, grasshopper, and mosquito control.
She also brought in additional grant dollars to support the successful programs and contributed to WWPC committees.
“The big thing that made a difference for me coming in was the huge amount of support I got from other district supervisors,” Woodward said. “I feel like they’re behind me, and that makes a big difference to know that what I’m doing is going to help them.”
Woodward takes over for Slade Franklin, who had been in the position since 2004. They worked together while Woodward was at Hot Springs County.
For information about Wyoming Weed and Pest Council, visit
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