Your source for news in Hot Springs County

Getting by with a little help from our friends, family and community

To say it has been a long winter would be considered an understatement by many. However, spring seems to have finally arrived and the weather was beautiful over the Easter weekend. Community members were able to get outside and release some long pent up spring fever.

Even a typical winter can lead to stress, depression and other issues but the level of misery was raised a bit this year. The length and severity of winter temperatures and snow levels set records around the state.

Last week, our community was shaken by the loss of a young life. He was a student at Hot Springs County High School. Groups are planning fundraisers and gatherings to remember this young man who was known for his big smile and caring heart. We urge our readers, as they have done so many times in the past, to support this family if you can.

Also last week, at least a dozen “swatting” calls went out to schools around the state on Monday morning. Swatting is the term used for false reports

of active shooters or bomb threats, which are called in with the sadistic goal of getting law enforcement to respond. A wave of such calls have been received by school districts across the country. Although no calls were know to be received by our local schools, other Wyoming communities were the latest victims. The news quickly traveled to our local schools and authorities. The school district issued a statement saying they were prepared and law enforcement was as well.

These situations caused confusion and emotional trauma throughout our schools and community. However, we rallied together and found comfort in each other’s support — quickly becoming thankful we live in such a great community.

As we exit the Easter holiday weekend, let’s remember to count our blessings, hug our loved ones, offer up support for those going through tough times and stay hopeful for the future.

Tragedy and struggles face each and every one of us from time to time. When it does, we use the strength and love of those around us to get through it and move forward.

Let’s unite and look forward to the warmth of the sun and the beauty it will bring to the world around us.


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