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Chamber board updated on variety of town events

At the March 9 Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce board meeting, the Thermopolis High School FFA students held a presentation about food waste management issues, how they are handled worldwide, and they explored potential solutions to the problem. The FFA students will give this presentation to other organizations as practice and to gain feedback before they submit it to their state competition. 

In old business, CEO Meri Ann Dorman said they have only four slots left for their Workforce Bootcamp training event on April 3. There are a total of 15 students possible. These students will learn soft skills and other helpful lessons that will make them better candidates when seeking employment.

In new business, Dorman said that on April 13 the Chamber will hold its annual business meeting and will invite past presidents as well as other chamber members. They will vote on the 2022 Business, Non-Profit Organization and Citizen of the Year.

The chamber also selected its nomination committee with Jennifer Arends, Shelly Burrows, and Bradyn Harvey, volunteering to be on the committee. 

For upcoming events, the Pageant Day Parade will be on August 5 and the Demolition Derby will be on August 12. Also, the Annual Chamber Banquet will be on October 7. 

Guest Thermopolis Town Council member Bill Malloy reported to the chamber board about the “tremendous job” the town crew of three people have been doing for the snow removal on the streets. One chamber board member said that Thermopolis does a better job than other towns.

Malloy also reported that the town council voted to support the joint powers water board to drill for new water on Lysite Mountain.

Additionally, Malloy reported that the town council was moving forward to potentially make chickens in town legal. 

Howie Samelson, representing Main Street Thermopolis, reported that they are planning to have the Brewfest on June 5.

During the director’s report, CEO Dorman held a discussion about installing an electronic fingerprint machine to serve the area. One chamber board member said that they had to travel to the closest electronic fingerprint scanning location in Sheridan.

If the chamber were to do this service, it would be considered non-dues revenue and there are no upfront overhead costs. The chamber board expressed positive words about this idea.


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