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United State of America

Is the handwriting on the wall? ; Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin.

Interpretation: Mene - GOD has numbered thy kingdom, and finished it. Tekel - Thou art weighed in the balances, and found wanting. Peres - Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians.

Obviously this is Daniel warning Belshazzar the King of Babylon of impending doom. OK what does this have to do with America?

Like it or not, America was founded on Biblical principals, and we claim to be, “One Nation Under GOD”. Because of that GOD has every right to send destruction our way, if HE so chooses. I do not claim to know what GOD will do with America, but if you know your Bible, it is not looking good!

EVIDENCE; America has moved a lot of our manufacturing base to foreign adversary Nations, then foolishly is picking a fight with them. Our southern, and northern borders are wide open, this is treason at the highest level. We are trying to redefine what is a Male and Female, and even most of our local school board members refused to answer if they were for or against transgenderism being taught in our schools. Pastors are teaching from the pulpit that Christian should not bring up politics in the Church.

On the positive note; Thank you President Trump for nominating 3 solid Pro-Life Supreme Court justices. This led to Roe V Wade being overturned. Unfortunately this led to a bigger division in our country, and I believe led to NO red wave in the most recent midterm elections.

So America is divided, and a Nation divided cannot stand. I pray Americans return to GOD in large numbers, and this would be the revival America needs.

Only GOD can make America great again!!

Joseph Casciato


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