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Town votes to support Joint Powers Water Board application

At the February 21 Thermopolis Town Council meeting, Town Engineer Heath Overfield held a discussion with the council about the Hot Springs County Water District Joint Powers Board (HSCWDJPB) regarding a possible Level 2 study to drill for water on Lysite Mountain for about $2.1 million. Council member Bill Malloy expressed his concern about upfront costs. Overfield said that the grant for it would be a 100% covered cost and if the well is successful in both water quality and quantity the HSCWDJPB could owe one-third of the cost. Overfield said they are not able to come back with a charge rate at this time. The main focus is to find out if the Lysite Mountain drill will be successful or not and go forward from there.

Concerned citizen Joe Casciato brought up concerns about the potential hard water from the well water and that surface water might be better. Overfield validated Casciato and said that his water from Lucerne is harder, but the Level 2 study will determine what they will have.

Town Attorney Marshall Keller brought Resolution #571 to the council for their potential approval that would show their involvement with the HSCWDJPB and to move forward with the Level 2 study application. 

The resolution states: "WHEREAS, the Town of Thermopolis expects the need to upgrade the current drinking water system or secure another source of drinking water in five to 10 years, and WHEREAS, currently the water districts of Hot Springs County are seeking a solution; and WHEREAS, collaboration increases purchasing power and regional self-reliance; and WHEREAS, the Hot Springs County Water Supply Joint Powers Board is applying for an application with the Wyoming Water Development Office for a ground water test well to locate a ground water supply for the County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF THERMOPOLIS THAT:

The Town of Thermopolis supports the Hot Springs County Water Supply Joint Powers Board's application to the Wyoming Water Development Office. FURTHERMORE, the Town of Thermopolis will provide a share of financial support for a ground water test well to determine if a sufficient amount of drinking water is available for future use."

After Keller's presentation of the resolution, Mayor Adam Estenson said, "The only sense of urgency that I really have with this is that we need to determine if the water's there or if it's good. If it has the quantity so that having a conversation about what we're going to do five to 10 years down the road. Right? So everything hinges on knowing what the water's up there. If there's enough, if there's quantity, then we can start answering all these other questions. And that's to me is why I think it's important to help get this ball rolling by the [Level 2 study application's] March 1st deadline."

The council voted and passed the approval unanimously of the resolution.

During citizen participation, Douglas Nelson representing the Red Dirt Master Gardeners made his annual request for street closure for the Farmer's Market. The event will be on Saturdays from June 3 until October 7 from 8 a.m. until noon with 30 minutes to set up and take down. The area closed will be on 5th Street between the alley from Warren St and Broadway, next to Bicentennial Park and Pinnacle Bank. The council voted and passed the approval of the request.

Wade Lippincott, representing Hot City Outdoor Alliance, presented some ideas to the council for improving the boat ramp area on the 8th Street Bridge next to the Bighorn River. Lippincott said that the river's use for floaters and fishermen has "exponentially increased in the last 20 to 25 years." Part of his proposal is to remove the Russian olive plants and make the ramp wider, clear out the trash, add some picnic tables, and provide a place for proper toilet use. Lippincott added that there was no formal action he requested. Mayor Estenson said, "Excellent. I think we look forward to continuing that conversation and seeing what we can collaborate on."

Mayor Estenson and the council held a public hearing for the liquor license renewals for various businesses and for Los Cabos, contingent on their proof of purchase or renewal with the State Labor Division before March 31. There were no public comments made. The council voted and passed the approval of the liquor license renewal for Los Cabos and its contingency.

The next meeting of the Thermopolis Town Council will be Tuesday, March 7 at 7 pm. at the town hall.


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