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Chamber hosts youth work ready boot camp

The Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a “Work-Ready Boot Camp” that will train youth workers, aged 14-18, on the soft skills they need to be successful in the workplace. Classes begin Monday, April 3, and will meet once a week for six weeks 6-8 p.m. The course will cover communication, enthusiasm & attitude, teamwork, networking, problem-solving & critical thinking, and professionalism.

Chamber CEO Meri Ann Dorman gained inspiration from Cody Chamber Executive Director Tina Hoebelheinrich who held their own boot camp to train young adults with soft skills. Dorman attended the spring conference for the Wyoming State Chamber in May 2022. 

According to Dorman, part of the purpose of the training is “to make the young adults successful and for the business to want them to come back… We need to do that in Thermopolis because one of the main obstacles I hear from business owners is there’s no workforce.”

Dorman’s goal is to have 15 young adults that are work ready by June 15. After they complete the free training, the Chamber will help them find jobs. 

The Hot Springs County Education Endowment Foundation is providing the funding of the grant to put the training events on. Some slots are already filled, and it is limited to 15 spots. The training will be held in the conference room at Big Horn Federal.

To register, call the Chamber of Commerce office at 864-3192. 


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