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HSC Speaker Series begins

The HSC Speaker Series, a non-partisan monthly meeting open to the public for informational purposes will be starting Wednesday, January 25 at noon at the Hot Springs County Library. County Assessor Daniel Webber will present information about property taxes. The second meeting will be on Tuesday, February 28 at 6:30 p.m. where information about Critical Race Theory in schools will be given.

Following that, the meetings will be held on the fourth Tuesday evening of each month. The specific times and locations will be determined later, depending on who is speaking and the subject matter.

The Hot Springs County Republican Party is hosting the non-partisan meeting.

Cheryl Aguiar is a Precinct and State Committeewoman for Hot Springs County of the Republican Party and is the organizer of these events.

Aguiar said, “What we wanted to do is kind of look at the issues that are facing both Hot Springs County and Wyoming.”

“We’ll probably have a legislative update as our third one because it’s going to be at the end of the legislature.” They plan to invite legislatures to come discuss the issues.

Aguiar continued and said, “And then we’re probably going to have speakers on other various issues. We’re going to do the Volunteer Fair like the Chamber of Commerce did last year. We’re going to do that with them and help them out with that. In other words, ‘what can I do for my community?’ If people are interested in volunteering or serving their community, they can come there and find that out. That one is going to be in May.”

Additionally, Aguiar is interested in having the Secretary of State speak about elections and also the new Superintendent of Schools speak as well.

Aguiar said, “These are kind of issues that aren’t just in Hot Springs County or Thermopolis or what the Chamber does, but they might be issues that affect us because we live in the state.”

“We want the Democrats to take part in this. We certainly want to work with them on a lot of these issues, and maybe we’ll even have panels come.” Aguiar is interested in presentations such as about Medicaid Expansion where more than one side can speak, the community can come and ask questions, and give their input as well. 


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