The Thermopolis Town Council meeting was held December 20 at Town Hall.
During citizen participation Dan Wychgram presented a request regarding their potential signing a letter of support for the Hot Springs County Commissioners for their application for a Wyoming Business Council Business Readiness Community Grant. Wychgram asked that if the council signs the letter that they have a condition that the commissioners do not grind up the asphalt of the runway of the old airport as that would negatively affect his proposal to them for a resident park that would have high-end residents who would use the airport property.
Part of the discussion, which lasted more than one hour, was from consultant Jackie Dorothy representing the commissioners who asked for the signing of a letter of support. There was much back and forth discussion involving Wychgram, Dorothy, council members and others present.
One item discussed was that if the Town of Thermopolis would provide sewer and water for the county, the cost must be completely covered by the county. Also, the annexation of the property into the town might also be required as well as contractual agreements between the town and the county.
Dorothy added that even though she mentioned a hotel and or a convention center, the main goal is to have the old airport designated as a business-ready lot, meaning for any business, not just what she said is "her passion". Dorothy also said there is a need for these types of properties, as Yellowstone Park and Teton Park are overflowing with tourists who do not have enough lodging.
In the end, Mayor Mike Chimenti said that the old airport runway is under the county's jurisdiction and that the Town of Thermopolis has no say in what to do with the property. The council voted and passed the approval to sign the letter of support for the grant.
Town engineer Anthony Barnett presented two documents for the council to sign. One was for the hot water agreement with Hot Springs State Park. The other was the close out documents for the silo painting project. The council voted and passed the approval to sign both documents.
Barnett also reported that in the landfill, Cell 10 is at about 50% capacity and that there is no update on the transfer station project.
In administration, Assistant to the Mayor Fred Crosby presented an application for the reappointment of Toddi Darlington to the Nature and Discovery Center board. Crosby said there were no other applicants. The council voted and approved Darlington's reappointment.
Crosby also said that the Police Department's tasers warranties have expired, and he presented a new five-year contract for eight new tasers which totaled $28,000 and would get the police up to date. The council voted and passed the approval to sign the new contract.
Town attorney Mike Messenger announced he will no longer be representing the Town of Thermopolis and is stepping down.
Mayor Mike Chimenti and council member Tony Larson also thanked the council and the citizens for their time to serve.
Assistant to Mayor Fred Crosby announce he is retiring and thanked the town for his years of work with them.
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