At the December Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce board meeting, Kristen Gunther of Otterspace made a presentation about electric vehicle (EV) charging and their project with the chamber. Gunther explained the different types of charging, with some taking many hours and others types that take 15-30 minutes. Chamber CEO Meri Ann Rush and Gunther are planning on installing several EV charging stations across the street of the Chamber Visitor’s Center near the high school.
Gunther explained that there are many out-of-state drivers who are tourists traveling to Yellowstone National Park, Grand Teton National Park, and other Wyoming locations. Gunther and Rush want to be able to cater to those tourists who are driving an EV. Part of the discussion was that the project’s location is ideal because the charging stations are within walking distance of the Hot Springs State Park and downtown Thermopolis. Currently, Gunther is working with Rocky Mountain Power and they hope to have the installation done by summertime.
Old business, Rush said that regarding their wage reimbursement contract with Travel and Tourism, they will discuss it in an executive session.
On January 12, they will hold an extended meeting and a work session from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m.
Also, Rush discussed their Workforce Boot Camp, where they will have two board members teach each topic or subject. There will be one session in February and another in April. They want to certify 30 students that have gone through the training by summer. The program would involve youth who are old enough to work and they would learn “soft skills” in the workplace. These skills include shaking hands, etiquette, and how to talk to people. Rush explained that if the students learn these skills, they are better positioned to get hired in their first jobs as they start their careers. The two sessions would be held on Wednesday evenings in the spring.
Regarding the Merry Christmas Market, which was from November 25 to 28, Rush reported they had over $9,085.09 worth of 265 receipts. Also in its last week, which was November 29 to December 5, they had 122 receipts turned in, which was $4,898.38.
In new business, on January 18 from noon until 1 p.m. they will hold their Lunch and Learn at Gottsche with Kim Bartlett, who will discuss Medicaid Expansion.
Howie Samelson reported on behalf of Main Street Thermopolis that Great! Until 8 will be on hiatus for the winter and they will evaluate how effective it’s been and if it is helping the town, merchants and community.
In the Director’s report Rush said that the Chamber office will be closed from December 23-January 2.
The next chamber meeting will be on January 12, 2023, at 6 p.m. at Big Horn Federal, which will be followed by their Strategic Planning Session.
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