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Drama earns third at state

Hot Springs County High School Drama students earned third place in 1A/2A Sweepstakes and third place for their one act: Fourteen Lines at the State Drama Competition in Gillette last weekend. 

 Assistant Drama Director Amie Wiley also reported the following results: Ivey Goff received an Honorable Mention for her Monologue. Talyah Myers received an Honorable Mention for Moulage Makeup. Julia Quintanilla received an Honorable Mention for Solo Musical. Rosalie Willson received All-State for Costume Design. Karina Lea received All-State for Costume Design. Karina Lea received All-State for Original Script. Audrey Hensley received All-State for Original Script. Zoey Larson received All-State for Scene Design

Wiley added, “They are a fantastic group of students and I couldn’t be more proud of them. Some of them had some very stressful moments and they handled them well and when they weren’t competing they kept busy in workshops. They had a blast going to see Campbell County High School’s performance of Something’s Rotten and they also had a tiny Secret Santa party right before lights out on Friday night.

She added, “We took them to dinner that evening and when they piled back on the bus, a man who had been in the restaurant with us, pulled Mr. Kay aside and told him what a great group of kids they all were. He was right.” 


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