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Speech and Debate team finishes third

The Bobcat Speech and Debate team started the season with a strong showing at the Green River Speech and Debate Tournament with a third place trophy. The two-day tournament with 15 schools and over 300 competitive entries included categories for Novice and Varsity competitors. The Bobcats brought fifteen students to the competition.

Individually, the team saw positive results in interpretive, platform, and debate events. Junior Julia Quintanilla finished in second place in Humorous Interpretation. 

Sophomore Ki Kraushaar broke into semifinals and placed ninth in Humorous Interpretation. 

Senior Karina Lea took ninth place in Poetry Interpretation after breaking into the semifinal round. 

Junior Chris Bapst placed in the top twenty of Extemporaneous Speaking. 

Senior Alyssa Andreen sported a 2-2 record in Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate. 

Junior Brison Steere placed eighth in Novice Original Oratory. 

The Duo Interpretation teams of Juniors Riley O’Brien and Luke Arcand; Junior Delayni Custer and Sophomore Kalebh Nelson; and Junior Julia Quintanilla and Sophomore Zoey Larson all finished in the top fifteen.

Freshman Dean Bihr finished eighth in his first attempts at Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate. 

Senior Sydney Jacobsen and Sophomore Rosalie Willson took eleventh place in Public Forum Debate.

“Our team has a new look this year,” said head coach Lyle Wiley, “and, although we are young, we have a lot of talent and potential.”

Only three seniors are on the current team roster, and the young Bobcats are looking to learn, grow, and find ways to be successful.

“They are working hard, pushing themselves out of their comfort zones, and I’m so proud of their effort so early in the season,” said Wiley.  

The Bobcat Speech and Debate Team will be hosting two tournaments this season: a one day novice tournament on Saturday, Dec.17 and a two day tournament on Friday, Jan. 6 and Saturday, Jan. 7.  Community judges are always needed at the tournament. If you are interested in judging to help out the Speech and Debate Team, please contact coach Lyle Wiley at


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