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LUPC votes to approve requests

At the October 19 Land Use Planning Commission (LUPC), they held two public hearings.

First County Planner Bo Bowman presented a plat amendment for the applicant Ross Woolley, for the Crimson View Estates HOA. The proposal was to amend the road dedication language. Bowman said this proposal includes a language change that states:

“The Crimson View HOA proposes to remove the following existing language in Item #5 in the notations on the face of the plat: “All portions of Miller Lane, Schmidt Lane, and Lane 14 within this subdivision are dedicated to the public.”  

And replace it with the following language: “All portions of Miller Lane, Schmidt Lane, and Lane 14 within this subdivision are intended for residential use only, and are maintained as private roadways for the benefit of Crimson View Estates owners, their guests, and invitees.”

Bowman described the potential impacts and its legal access. Bowman said, “All properties currently using Lane 14 for access would not be impacted by this proposal, as they have access easements to Highway 20 S via Lane 14. The applicants’ intent is to prevent any future development not currently using Lane 14 from taking advantage of the current “public dedication” language, thus overwhelming the capacity and maintenance expense of Lane 14.”

Regarding its implementation, Bowman said, “If approved by the County Commissioners, the County Clerk would cross out the existing road dedication language on the plat, and handwrite the proposed language. An affidavit or similar instrument explaining the change would also be recorded and placed in the cabinet sleeve containing the plat.”

Bowman added that he recommends the approval of the proposed plat amended. The LUPC asked for public comments and none were given. The commission then vote and passed the approval to recommend the proposed plate change to the Hot Springs County Commissioners.

The other public hearing was for the Christensen Land Use Change application. Tom and Debra Christensen have requested a Land Use Change for an approximately 11.86-acre parcel, from the Industrial Land Use Category to the Agricultural Land Use Category, ending the parcel’s status as a gravel pit.

Bowman said, “The Christensen’s recently purchased the property, and wish to use it as livestock pasture. Their property, which is adjacent to this parcel on the west, is in the Agricultural Land Use Category. Since this proposal amounts to a reduction in the property’s development potential, no checklists have been drafted. All adjoining property owners, including those adjacent to the Christensen’s home property and lands across the highway, have been informed of this proposal.”

The LUPC asked for public comments and none were given. Then they voted and passed the approval to recommend the land use change to the Hot Springs County Commissioners.

The HSC Commissioners will meet on November 15 to review both of the applications and their recommendations.


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