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Community blood drive coming up

The Hot Springs County Hospital Auxiliary is sponsoring a Community Blood Drive on Monday, November 7 from 2-6 p.m. at the Senior Citizen’s Center.

If you are interested in donating, please go to the website,, to find a time that will fit into your schedule. You can also call Melene Mierzejewski, the community Blood Drive Coordinator, at 307-240-1414 to set up an appointment for you or to answer questions. If you are unable to make appointments, we are also available for walk-ins.

For all donors, we are asking them to complete their Fast Track on the day of the drive and bring it with them. The Fast Track is located on The pass will eliminate some of your wait time to donate.

You will also need to bring to the Blood Drive your Vitalant Donor card or your driver’s license.

Remember that each donation has the power to save up to three lives. There is always a need for blood and only volunteer donors can fulfill that need for patients in our community. Every two seconds someone needs blood, so please consider the opportunity to donate. We take all blood types.

A special thank you to our community donors for their continued support of this important cause, as our blood supply is critically low. 


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