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Thermopolis Middle School students perform well in WyTOPP tests

Thermopolis Middle School (TMS) is reporting unprecedented results on the Wyoming State Assessment (students took WyTOPP in spring 2022, scores were released to the public on Sept. 14, 2022).

Hot Springs County students consistently outperform the state average and their Wyoming peers in reading, math and science.

Highlights include - out of the 48 public school districts in Wyoming TMS 7th and 8th graders had the highest rate (#1) of proficient/advanced students in the state with 88% proficient in 8th grade math, including 68% advanced in comparison to the state average of 48% proficient in math, with 25% advanced.

TMS 7th graders were also 1st in the state in math with 85% proficient, including 54% advanced in comparison to the state average of 47% proficient, with 24% advanced.

TMS 6th graders were 6th in the state in English Language Arts with 75% proficient, including 23% advanced in comparison to the state average of 58% proficient, with 15% advanced.

In science TMS 8th graders ranked 7th in the state and were 64% proficient, including 24% advanced in comparison to the state with 46% proficient, with 14% advanced.

According to a press release issued by Breez Daniels, “TMS 8th grade results show a cumulative effort of four years of teaching in grades 5-8 at Thermopolis Middle School focused on individual measurable student growth in math, reading and science every year, in every grade.”

Thermopolis Middle School official school performance rating for 2021-2022 is Exceeding Expectations, with a focus on academic growth, equity and achievement. TMS performed above the state average in 9 out of 9 content areas and grade levels across math, science and English language arts. In 8 out of 9 areas, TMS had a top ten ranking for the percent of students proficient/advanced in comparison to the 48 districts in the state.

“TMS students are engaged in their own learning and deserve to feel the same pride in their academic achievements as we would have for a state champion athletic team. Our teachers go above and beyond every single day to help our students succeed academically. We are extremely fortunate to live in a community where our students have the support they need to learn and grow,” according to the press release .


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