On the Record policy
It is the Thermopolis Independent Record’s policy that all people arrested or cited under the “Accidents,” “Sheriff’s office” or “Police department” in the On the Record section are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. We print the names of all people upon their initial arrest.
Photo credit was inadvertently left off the photo on page 6 of last week’s Independent Record. The photo was taken by Delina Wille. The IR apologizes for the omission.
Sheriff’s Office
Monday, Aug. 22
10:41 a.m. Report of a citizen assist for a verbal altercation that occurred after a male from Worland was attempting to camp on State of Wyoming land. The male was told that they could not camp on State of Wyoming land unless it was an authorized campsite.
11:10 a.m. Report of a citizen assist for a civil standby for a male who was retrieving his property.
1:32 p.m. John Darrell Laster, 35, from Shoshoni, was arrested for alleged interference with a peace officer and two warrants out of Fremont County.
Tuesday, Aug. 23
2:21 p.m. Report of a citizen assist involving a deputy who spoke with a female about the process of reporting an assault that occurred in another county.
10:02 a.m. Report of a welfare check to investigate a possible elder abuse case. The female advised that she was okay and did not have any concerns.
Wednesday, Aug. 24
1:03 p.m. Report of a citizen assist involving a female juvenile who was causing difficulty at a local business. The deputy gave her a courtesy ride home.
Thursday, Aug. 25
9:15 a.m Report of dogs who were found abandoned on Black Mountain Road. The dogs have been re-homed. The investigation is still pending and a suspect from Washakie County has been identified.
11:38 a.m. Deputies responded to the report of two vehicles blocking an easement. The deputies determined this was a civil issue.
1:46 p.m. Report of an agency assist with the Thermopolis Police Department.
5:23 p.m. Report of a registered sex offender who had entered school grounds the day prior. A 37-year-old male was cited for prohibited access to school facilities by adult sex offenders.
Friday, Aug. 26
2:07 p.m. Lance James Portlock, 46, was arrested for an alleged probation sanction.
5:16 p.m. A deputy performed a civil standby.
Saturday, Aug. 27
7:33 p.m. Report of an agency assist involving the Thermopolis Police Department.
Sunday, Aug. 28
3:26 p.m. Report of a neighbor dispute on Coyote Run involving a male who made veiled threats to another male over an easement dispute. The matter is under investigation.
3:35 p.m. Report of an agency assist involving Highway Patrol with a motorcycle crash with serious injuries.
4:59 p.m. A deputy responded to East Sunnyside Lane for a report of a dog that attacked another dog.
9:01 p.m. Report an agency assist with the Thermopolis Police Department.
9:27 p.m. Written trespass notices were served to a 59-year-old male and a 60-year-old female.
Police Department
Monday, Aug. 22
1:32 p.m. Report of an agency assist involving law enforcement who requested assistance with a 35-year-old male who was eluding capture. Officers responded and found the man hiding in the river. The male was taken into custody.
4:50 p.m. Report of harassing communication involving a female who reported her sister continues to harass her and is now entering her home without permission. The suspect female will be spoken to regarding unauthorized criminal entry into other people’s homes.
Wednesday, Aug. 24
9:33 a.m. Report of an Australian Shepherd puppy running-at-large in the 200 block of Clark Street. The dog was impounded and the 18-year-old female owner was cited for having a nuisance dog running-at-large.
Thursday, Aug. 25
1:43 p.m. Report of obstructing police involving a 74-year-old male who approached a traffic stop and began honking his horn and telling the officer to move out of the way. When asked for his ID, the male subject refused and began fleeing officers until stopping. The male subject was cited for interference with a peace officer.
2:23 p.m. Report of a male, from Romania, outside Maverik, asking subjects for money in violation of the vagrancy town ordinance. The male subject was found to have plenty of money to travel on and had left the area.
2:35 p.m. Report of an animal problem involving an 18-year-old female’s dog who was seized, and she was issued a citation for animal cruelty. Upon finding an adequate home for the dog, it was released back into the custody of the female. She transported the dog to its new home.
Friday, Aug. 26
8:04 a.m. Report of a two-vehicle crash in the alleyway behind the 100 block of South 12th Street. A female backed her vehicle into a flatbed trailer that was parked in the alley. A male was warned about parking in the alleyway.
9:27 a.m. A male was reported to have stolen yard art items while performing yard work. Two of the four items were recovered and returned to the female victim. The issue is believed to be a misunderstanding of the yard work that was to be done by the male subject. The two other missing items may have been taken on different dates by other subjects.
5:45 p.m. Request for extra patrol for a property in the 200 block of North 6th Street.
Saturday, Aug. 27
7:56 a.m. An orange cardholder with cards inside was found at a local business. The owner of the cardholder was contacted and responded to the police department to pick it up.
9:40 a.m. Report of a traffic accident at the 600 block of South 6th Street. A 70-year-old male was issued a citation for Failure to Stop/Yield ROW when leaving the business.
7:33 p.m. Report of a domestic problem involving two juveniles. The juvenile couple was having a verbal argument.
8:32 p.m. Report of a vehicle crash with property damage that occurred in the 500 block of North 5th Street. No injuries and no citations were issued.
Sunday, Aug. 28
9:01 p.m. A male was contacted at a local hotel after being reported as acting suspiciously. The male subject was waiting for friends to arrive and would leave shortly after. No further action was taken.
9:24 p.m. Report of three dogs who were barking profusely. The officer made contact with the female owner and gave her a warning. The officer also said she would be cited if the barking happened again.
Civil Court
Briana T. Sonesen, harboring a sex offender, harbor/assist, 30 days jail, 27 days suspended, six months unsupervised probation, fees and fines $70.
Charles Fender, possession of a controlled substance, pill or capsule, three grams or less, 180 days jail, 176 days suspended, one year supervised probation, fees and fines $290 and possession of a controlled substance, 180 days jails, 176 days suspended, one year supervised probation, fees and fines $290.
Oswald Hergert was born Sunday, August 14, 2022, at Hot Springs Health to Emmy and Holden Hergert.
He weighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces, and was 20 inches long.
Grandparents are Leanne and Fred Correll, Robert and Dawn Coxbill and Mark and Tracy Hergert.
Andromeda Gibbel was born Saturday, August 20, 2022, at Hot Springs Health to Kaylee and Duke Gibbel.
She weighed 6 pounds, 15.6 ounces, and was 19 7/8 inches long.
Grandparents are Jena and David DeVries and John and Shawnna Gibbel.
Property Transfers
Quit Claim Deed, Arima, Bob (Toshio) to Mccollum, Kimberly Ann, Etal; Mccollum, Kreg Douglas, Township 42, Range 95w, Sections 9, 10.
Quit Claim Deed, Herrin, John S. & Linda Aka Linda J. Herrin to Herrin, John S. & Linda, Trustees; John S Herrin Living Trust Dtd, July 18, 2022; Linda Herrin Living Trust Dtd. July 18, 2022, East Thermopolis Townsite, Block 6, Lots 40-43.
Warranty Deed, Flitner, Greg to Saddle Horn Ranch, Llc., Township 43, Range 96w, Section 7, Ne, Ne.
Warranty Deed, Brown, Drew Edward to Budd, Justin Wayne & Laura Lee, Cedar Ridge, Block 2, Lot 7.
Warranty Deed, Larson, William C. to Mckenzie, Norman Joseph, Original Townsite of Thermopolis, Block 12, Lots 21-22.
Warranty Deed, Ross, Robert G. & Barbara I., to Ross, Bud, Ross Subdivision, Lot Tr1.
Warranty Deed, Long, William L. Attorney-In-Fact; Long, Ronald A. to Uhlmann Holdings, Llc., Original Townsite of Thermopolis, Block 3, Lots 21-24.
Warranty Deed, Boelens, Kenneth M, Trustee; Kenneth M Boelens Revocable Trust, Dtd 8/24/2007 to Voorhees, David, Etal; Gleason, Donna Mae, Township 42, Range 95w, Section 11, Ne, Nw, Partial.
Warranty Deed, Shero, Cheryl A., Etal; Kuiper, Jack to Wilmer, Mike, Etal; Livingston-Wilmer, Kristin, Wildhorse Estates - E.T., Block 1, Lots 1-2; Scholz - E.T., Unit N/2
Warranty Deed, Shay, Steven R & Lorie A. to Zigliotto, Sue Ellen, Original Townsite of Thermopolis, Block 36, Lots 19-20.
Warranty Deed, Richins, Roy C, Co-Trustee; Richins, Frances S, Co-Trustee; Richins Brothers Trust, Dtd July 15, 2005 to Correll, Fredrick C, Trustee; Correll, Leanne L, Trustee; Flc Trust, Dtd Nov 8, 2021, Longwell Ranch, Lot 4.
Warranty Deed, Randolph, Michael F. to Stothart, Valerie Gene, Township 44, Range 94w, Section 7, Nw, Ne, Partial, Wilson Addition - Kirby, Lot 8.
Warranty Deed, Miller, Kristen Lyn, Attorney-In-Fact; Miller, William Scott; Miller, Nathan Scott; Miller, Andrea Joy to Jones, Colin, Lane 12, Lot Tr3.
Warranty Deed, Miller, James A. Jr. And Judith D. to Green, Jacob, Etal; Lewark, Alyssa, Township 43, Range 95w, Section 33, Ne, Sw, Partial.
Warranty Deed, Owsley, Jean to Ream Rentals Llc., Brydons 1st - Blk 1-7, Block 4, Lots 8-11.
Warranty Deed, Miller, Kristen Lyn, Attorney-In-Fact; Miller, William Scott; Miller, Nathan Scott; Miller, Andrea Joy; Miller, Kristen Lyn to Allen, T. Crosby, Ii & Marita C., Sage Valley, Lot 33.
Warranty Deed, Chocwhit Homes, Llc. to Pilon, James & Paula, Partial Kinneys 1st - Blk 1-9, Block 6, Lots 1-4.
Warranty Deed, Blakesley, Emory R. & Debora A. to Blakesley, Brandon, Etal; Diekemper, Megan, Country Estates 1-6, Lot Tr 6.
Warranty Deed, Miller, Kristen Lyn, Attorney-In-Fact; Miller, Nathan Scott, Etal; Miller, Andrea Joy; Miller, William Scott to Galloway, Morgan And Martha, Lane 12, Lot Tr5.
Warranty Deed, Maude, David And Elizabeth to Coker, Rebecca J., Partial Brydons 3rd - Blk 8 And Up, Block 1, Lot 22.
Warranty Deed, Richardson, Gene M & Jacqueline A. to Tuck, William Lonie, Jr. & Brenda Kay, Waldorf Acres, Block 1, Lot 13.
Warranty Deed, Deraymond, Miranda to Zwart, Aimee, Original Townsite of Thermopolis, Block 17, Lots 4-5.
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