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Elite Taxi service now available

Renard Le Blanc now offers his Elite Taxi service to residents of Thermopolis and Hot Springs County. Le Blanc’s taxi business originally was based in Riverton starting in October 2019, just prior to the Covid pandemic. Elite Taxi not only provides rides but can be used as a food delivery service. 

Elite Taxi’s fees are different depending on the needs of the customer. For in-town rides, the cost is $10 one-way. For out-of-town rides, prices are varied. For example, a ride from Thermopolis to Worland is $45; a ride to Riverton’s airport is $100. If you are based in Thermopolis and need a ride to the Hot Springs County airport, the price is $30. 

Le Blanc chose to move to Thermopolis and be close to his partner’s family, and they found Thermopolis to be safer, friendlier and quieter compared to the crime rate in Riverton.

If you need a ride from Elite Taxi or want to order food and have them deliver it to you, then call 307-253-9221. 


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