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Chamber board elects officers

At the June 9 Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce board meeting held at Big Horn Federal, four 6th-graders presented their essays for the Civic Bee contest.

The writers were: Baer McPhie, Brian Weaver, Ammon Wille, and Ruth Needham. Each of the four essay writers was awarded $100 in Chamber Bucks. The topics covered subjects such as business in Thermopolis, the economics of the administration and the nation, the value of parks, and inflation.

Past president Sam Needham presided over the board meeting as Howie Samelson was not present.

The board first went over their financial report and discussed the funds related to fireworks. Chamber CEO Meri Ann Rush explained that the funds are a collection of donations from a variety of sources and that there were leftover funds from last year.

The 2021 fireworks show was canceled due to the dry season and the chance of a brush fire. Rush added that only $12,000 was budgeted for the current year’s show. After more discussion of the financial report, Needham said it looks “on track.” The board voted and passed approval to accept the financial report. 

Under old business, the board discussed the coming Pageant Day parade on August 6. Its theme will be “Stars and Stripes.” Rush noted that it is an election year and that candidates and past participants can be in the parade. Additionally, the Demolition Derby will be on August 13. Rush commented that this is the chamber’s biggest fundraiser.

Under new business, Rush announced the new board election results. They included Jen Arends, Karissa Nichols, Pastor Sam Needham and Shelly Burrows. Their terms are from July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2025. These appointments are for three years and begin on July 1. Rush noted that 40% of the membership voted and that was considered a significant turnout.

For the election of the Executive Board, President, Howie Samelson, Vice President, Bradyn Harvey, Treasurer Jana Oliver, Secretary, Shelly Burrows and Past President, Pastor Sam Needham. Their terms are from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023.

Rush then discussed the coming circus on July 2. There are two show performances, one at 2 p.m. and the other at 4:30 p.m. Also, Rush said that Skeeter the Clown, who is a part of the circus, will come early on June 24 to help promote the circus. He will appear at the story time summer reading at the library. Adult tickets are $12.00, Children/Senior tickets are $7.00 (Kids-2-12, Seniors 65). The ticket outlets are the Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce, Black Bear Cafe, and Storyteller.

On behalf of Main Street Thermopolis, Rush reported that the Brewfest event had about 500 to 600 people attend. Rush added that there were “no mishaps” that she was aware of. Rush explained that the Brewfest event is a fundraiser where the money will be used to match grants for items such as the decorative lighting downtown or other grant applications. 

The next Chamber meeting will be on July 14 at Big Horn Federal. 


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